

New member
Nov 3, 2015
Sun Conure
Quaker Parrot
:orange:Mango has a very liquid, sort of brownish, poo since last week. I don't have an image, but it looks like diarrhea. He has been eating very little these days, and drinking even less. He is also not as active as usual, and missing his morning vocalizing today. Should I worry? I am afraid he is sick. He is due for vet check tomorrow. In the meantime, is there anything I could do? Extremelly concern here. :(

note: he has sickly odor too.
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that [emoji21] It does indeed sound like Mango is sick... I'm glad he's going in for a vet appointment tomorrow. In the mean time, try to keep him warm and try to get some food/liquid into him perhaps by grapes, juice, smoothies, etc. Just to make sure he doesn't become overly dehydrated, either. I'm no vet though, and my experience with ill parrots is limited. I hope he makes a fast recovery and that someone more experienced can help you out for the time being.
Yes, I'd be VERY concerned! Keep him warm and quiet. Do you have any millet spray you could offer him? Millet is pretty irresistible to most fids.

Please keep us posted, and good luck at the vet tomorrow. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
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Thanks for the quick replies!

Okay, millet spray and juice will be in my shopping list today. Silly question, how do you know if your bird develop fever? Will his body temperature rises like human does?

I have a suspicious Mango got Salmonella - but I will wait until the doctor's diagnose.
Yes, I think Mango is sick as well. Judging by what you mentioned about the sickly odor, I'd guess the issue is in his crop. It's good that he has an appointment with the vet, tomorrow.

As Wendy and Chantal mentioned, make sure to keep him warm and try to get some food into him.

Do you have any idea if he's lost a significant amount of weight?
Some plain unflavored pedialyte is good too, either dilute it a bit or offer a capful a few times a day.

Real fruit juices with pulp are good, some soft oatmeal or babyfood to get some carbs in him, and keep him nice and warm.

I'm sure everything will be fine, don't worry.
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So, Mango has seen a doctor, who did several tests. The results, he has fungus and throat infection, but his poop is considered normal. So Mango is currently taking fungilin drops and antibiotic for 10 days, poor Mango.

The results for chlamydia will be sent from lab next week, along with his DNA test.
Thank you for the update. I'm hoping the fungal and throat infections will prove to be the extent of Mango's issues, and that the chlamydia test comes back negative.
Hope it clears up soon. It's so hard when they are sick because they can't tell you how they feel. Let us know the DNA results. Tikis just came in and he's a boy!
Sounds like a crop infection to me too. Get thee to an avian vet ASAP.
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Hi Birdman, that's what the avian vet I saw said, it's crop infection. He said he has unusual quantities of yeast in his saliva. Should be okay now. Mango is so sweet today, he keeps searching for cuddling space between my neck and does his non stop kissing after I gave him his medicines. :orange: probably trying to get rid of the taste.
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Try feeding Mango whole grain Quinoa (cooked and cooled). It's very nutritious, soft, and easy to chew/digest. Our GCC got sick once and Quinoa was the only thing she would really eat. Dehydration is a high risk, so we took her to the ER Vet for subQ fluids and checkup then to our primary avian vet the next day. (I think it was due to sneaking into a little bit of an alcoholic beverage so we now use those Starbucks plastic cups with lids if we have drinks because she tries to get into EVERYTHING!). Good luck with your poor little Mango!
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