DeRita Update


New member
May 30, 2011
4 Cockatiels 2 males Chicken Little & Charlie, 2 Females Chiquita and Sweet pea. Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure -Franklin and our now tame, rescued feral Pigeon - Belle.
Well, my excitement over having DeRita in our lives has not wavered a single bit. I am in LOVE with this girl! Like, get tears in my eyes and choke up a bit when I talk about her, because I'm soo full of emotion.

It's safe to say, I have been blessed and DeRita is such a good girl! Now, I know...amazons can have their moments, but don't all birds? So although things are fantabulous now, I realize in a few months, it could change...but no matter...what I feel in my heart for her is solid!

So, the other day we were hanging out together, she was on my shoulder and I was on the computer, she was preening, then she took a nap, then he woke up and preened a bit more.

I wanted to see what she was doing without really looking at her, so I put my phone on "selfie cam" so I could watch her....all the sudden she gave me this look...then I sort of got a LIL Wee bit nervous...because well...that's a big beak by my face....and let's face it...I don't REALLY know her THAT well yet! And I admit...I'm still a bit nervous, she's a big bird compared to what I'm used to.

Anyway...She forced herself to my lips for a "kiss" then she pressed and rubbed her head down the side of my cheek. I couldn't believe it...THEN what's not on here...she nuzzled me with her forehead for a moment, then she looked back up, opened her beak...and totally licked me up the side of my face! Like a full on cow kiss! Hahahaha!

I was NOT expecting that!




She is SUCH a good girl! She is quiet for the most part, she does not squawk at all, she will yell HELLLP! HELLLP! When she wants attention. It's soo funny to me! She does do a lot of growl/snore/purr/meowing type noises, very hard for me to's nearly constant and with her, it doesn't seem to mean anger or fear...but she makes the sounds all the time. The pitch can change a little bit if she's being scolded for doing something she's not supposed to be doing, so sort of a sassy growl/purr...then sometimes it just seems to be a comfort sound. So for example, she may be on my shoulder all comfy going to sleepy time, and I move my shoulder, she will make the growl sound, then someone walks in the room, she makes the sound, when she is sleeping, she makes the sound, when I speak and she's relaxed she makes the sound...and when I tell her "DeRita...Noooo." for something...she changes the tone to "sassy" and makes the sound! LOL

I am really hoping she expands her vocabulary with us. What she knows, that I've heard from her so far is Hello and Hi which she uses in context...when she is hungry she says..."cracker, cracker?" I've learned that she refers to all food as "cracker" and if someone sits down to eat something and doesn't invite her...she will invite herself by saying...Doooriiitaaa cracker?

Her appetite is healthy, I have been keeping her cage stocked with lots of natural bird safe live plants and keep her ball full of hay and she is definitely enjoying it all. She is using all of her cage now, unlike when I got her she just stuck to her one favorite perch, went to her food or water dish and that was it.

Now every time I walk in the room, she is somewhere different in her cage. She may be on the floor investigating a new plant I put in there, or she will be at the middle picking through the new twigs and weeds I shove through the cage bars, or she will be up, plucking hay, nuts and banana chips out of the holyball thing.

I haven't yet found any feathers or evidence of her plucking herself, looks like she is letting the few down feathers on her chest far, and it appears that there are a few new pin feathers making their way in...I am hopeful! We will see!


Here she is "chillaxin" on my knee.


She hasn't shown any aggression, she preens my clothes, my hair, my face, it's all very gentle. I don't REALLY like birds around my face and I know I shouldn't probably let her...but she seems most "loved" there.

Because she sits leaning slightly to the left all the time, I wonder if her previous owner, the truck driver, used to let her ride on his right shoulder often and she would lean into his neck. That's really what it seems like to me...but I have no clue.

Anyway, enough of my long rambling post. Hope you all enjoy the pic's.

I think she's already looking better in 3 weeks, but of course...I'm biased! Hahaha!

Well, take care everyone and thanks for taking the time to check in with DeRita! (I read her all the comments ;) )


Toni & DeRita
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What a great update! DeRita seems like such a sweet bird!
I love hearing about Derita. The joy she is bringing you and you her, is very touching.
I love getting Derita updates :) She was so deserving of a good home <3
I am so happy that DeRita had found her way to you. In fact I'm happy for BOTH of you. It was truly the right connection. Meant to be! See? She doesn't only like men Toni lol.

I think there's a great chance she'll grow the feathers back too since it's most likely behavioral, as you said it only started happening after her former owner and best friend passed away, and you're the first one that she has bonded to since him sounds like.
OK, I admit it, I'm hooked on the DeRite Updates. I'm barely hanging in there between them. Like I cannot wait until the next one.

So very happy for your family! This is the reason why I love Amazons. They remain the come back kids of the Parrot World.

The different sounds that DeRite is making are a cross-section of hardwired, wild, and learned Amazon communication language bits. It is a language that you will need to learn by connecting events, things and feelings that she is passing along to you. The bit meanings will range from: I'm comfortable - to - you may want to slowly look over here cause I'm seeing something here that you need to look at (Crow sitting just outside the window and I do not want to call it's attention to us sitting here). It will take time as you connect the dots. Most people pay little or no attention and miss out on a huge level of interaction. As you make the connections you will find moments to communicate the sound (language bit) back to DeRite. My Darby would sit on my shoulder and place himself so that he was watching what was going on behind me. No one every pasted our home or the postman came on to the porch without me knowing. Those sounds where much like you are hearing from DeRite. Its much like watching two parents passing code back and forth as their child is telling the latest reason home work wasn't done.

The shoulder lean is fairly common with Amazons that 'open' ride or at home just shoulder sit while their human is transporting them around the home. The telltale on whether she did 'open' ride is when her beak ends up resting 'in' your ear as she sleeps on your shoulder. Its all about maintaining balance in a moving vehicle while sleeping.
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It's so clear how happy she is. I'm so glad she landed with your family, your doing a wonderful job with her:40: keep up the wonderful work, she's such a beauty :)
What a darling. It's not just you that thinks she is looking better. Love the update thanks. :D
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Thanks everyone! Yes Julie... You are right, she doesn't like only men! Phew! I knew I could win her over eventually, I seriously didn't expect it to happen so fast!

sailboat. Thank you! I love giving updates as much as you enjoy reading THANK YOU!!

Yes, I am really paying attention to her sounds and body language that is associated with said sounds. If it's irritation, defiance, content, fear or concerns... We are getting there.

I am sooo grateful she is not aggressive, if she doesn't want to cooperate with something, like getting picked up to be put away, she will lower her head to block a step up and try to distract me for scritched...silly girl...thinking she is fooling me. If I persist...she will turn and walk away, usually accompanied by laughing!

If she STILL won't step up to my command and continues to avoid stepping up..I just go to the stick and avoid the risk of getting bit all together. She knows when I get the stick its game over and she just steps problem.

I took her outside yesterday for some sunshine. She really enjoyed that! I walked her around the pasture, she would lean forward and flutter her wings....she can not fly at all, drops like a rock. But she sure wants to! I'm hoping when she gets her feathers back, she can learn to fly.

In the mean time, in going to buy a harness and get her accustomed to it that way she can go outside and at least walk on ground with the leash.

I'm going to have hubby build her an outdoor aviary next summer...I think she will really love it.

Thanks again everyone, I agree I am soo lucky to have her and yes...she is lucky to have me. We were definitely meant for each other.

The shoulder lean is fairly common with Amazons that 'open' ride or at home just shoulder sit while their human is transporting them around the home. The telltale on whether she did 'open' ride is when her beak ends up resting 'in' your ear as she sleeps on your shoulder. Its all about maintaining balance in a moving vehicle while sleeping.

Sydney does it to me, as well as preening my ear and trying to get the inside, which is by far, the strangest feeling getting a wet whilly from an Amazon. I think I'm more amazed at how gentle he can be with my ear, but how hard he can bite my finger!
Awww, thank you, Toni! This is a great update and the photos are so sweet! I love the last one, she looks so content! You two really are a beautiful combination. I'm happy DeRita is doing so well and letting her floofies grow. You have a real treasure there.
I Loved your story and pictures. Made me actually tear up a bit. DeRita is absolutely beautiful and the look of peace on her face is immeasurable.
I too will now look forward to reading updates!

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