Welcome and be welcomed.

THis is just one of the several ways that adding a new bird can go. It is always a crap shoot because you can't tell in advance how they will react to each other. She MAY improve over time, with a lot of work on your part, but also she may never change her mind. What complicates this is the fact that Ringnecks quickly revert back to an almost wild state if they are not handled and played with almost daily. Honestly, I would give the situation a month or 2 and if no improvement brin her back to your breeder, where she was comfortable prior. Selling her to someone else, who is not intimately familiar with RIngneck dispositions, is not likely to get her the family she deserves.
If you can feed her through the cage already thats huge considering she's had a mate before. This usually makes it very hard to tame your bird. Although it's not ideal she doesn't get along with Rio. It can however take a long time for birds to work out territorial issues and decide who's boss and for them to eventually get along. Returning her to her previous living conditions I wouldnt personally do if you just cant take care of her but it sounds like there's potential. Just let them explore eachother when supervised for a while and see where this goes!

And try handfeeding your new bird at least once every day to win her trust if you want to keep trying. Food is the way to a birds heart :).

Hope this helps a bit, I personally don't have much experience with ringnecks but my partners sister has the same issue where one attacks the new ringneck (so other way around). This is however because the first ringneck hasnt been socialised. Was your new ringneck socialised with other birds outside their mate? Not from a distance but in the same cage with others? This could be why she attacks Rio, another bird could be scary to her. I think introducing them from a distance is great, give it some time.
(If you have the time and energy to do this ofcourse, sounds like a tough case that will take a lot of time and effort and supervising)

I hope this helps a bit!
Thanks guys! I’m new and not sure if I’m replying correctly or not, but I will most probably wait a little while and see if she changes. However if I do eventually give her back and plan to get another bird for Rio, would a male be better and/or would the age matter regardless of the gender? I mean if we get a few months old hand tame bird, would they still get along?

Forgot to add that I’m not sure if she was socialized with other birds aside from her mate*
No problem, new to this forum too. I'm not sure if a male or female would be better, but the age probably depends more on where you get it? A store specialised in birds usually has very socialised birds so the age could matter less, but if the bird is not tame or not used to being around other birds it's probably best to get a younger one.

I got my caique from a specialised store (about 3 months old) and he got along with the greencheeks and even my two budgies right away :)

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