Dear Abby Column


Jul 25, 2012
This was posted online at a different forum, thought it was an intereting read:

Dear Abby: We have some neighbors who recently bought a large parrot they keep in a cage in their backyard. This bird squawks so loudly we can hear it inside our home with the windows closed. Their yard is fenced in, so I haven't met or even seen these neighbors.
The bird squawks loudly so loudly we can hear it inside our home with the windows closed, and we are no longer able to enjoy our own backyard and patio. Their yard is fenced in, so I haven't met or even seen these neighbors. Fopr the life of me, I cannot understand how someone could subject others to this kind of intrusioin. It is so disrespectful. We can only assume the bird is kept outside so they don't have to listen to its loud screeching inside their own home. The bird squawks about every 10 to 15 seconds and it goes on for hours -- usually in the mornings and evenings. My nerves are rattled and I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. I hesitate to call the authorities because I am worried about the consequences. What would you suggest?
-- For the Birds in Florida

Dear F.T.B.: Unfortunately, some people decide to buy parrots without first researching what's involved in their proper care and maintenance. Parrots are gregarious creatures and must be kept socialized with another parrot or with the humans who care for them. They also require mental stimulation to remain psychologically healthy. Because their natural habitat is the rain forest, they have loud voices so they can communicate over long distances. Your neighbors obviously didn't take into consideration when they bought the bird and decided to house it outside. Inform the neighbors politely about the noise problem and ask that they house the bird inside. If they refuse, inform the Humane Society or the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to ensure that the enclosure is being kept clean, and that the bird is being fed a healthy diet and has access to clean water. As a last resort, inform local law enforcement of a sound nuisance.

Write or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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