Cypher has a...twin??


New member
Mar 8, 2013
Green Cheek Conure, Cipher
Green Cheek Conure, Kirby

Yup, after the budgie got a friend and saw how happy it made him, I started looking for a buddy for Cypher. But I think I made myself a new friend and a bigger tangle of bird hierarchy issues to watch over instead.

This one came from a breeder, he got a group buy of breeders and 30 or so eggs. This baby is the only one that hatched. DOB May 16th. At the price he was at, even after gas and tolls, very much so worth a shot!

Drove 2hrs in hot weather with no car AC. He's a slightly smaller, near twin of Cy! Met the other pairs he had, saw some babies and boy are they loud!!!

On the way home, found out that my AC/heat did work, there was just a mouse nest in the blower pipe! Eww!! It scared me when the material flew out the vents, but didn't phase my new buddy, we had AC! And I soon opened the carrier and let him roam the car, just like Cy got to do. The baby doesn't know anything, I'm teaching him how to step up and that skin isn't a chew toy. Just glad he isn't a biter like Cypher was!

Biggest issues would be Cypher's hatred sharing food, toes and wanting scritches. He doesn't wanna share food, seeing the baby's toes makes him chew them and he likes to groom him, but wants to be groomed back. But baby just snuggles against him, low and leaning on him. Very cute, but just makes me watch Cy like a hawk! It's obvious he's a baby, slightly smaller, but a klutz, doesn't know how to use his feet that well, holds his body horizontal, trying to get Cy to feed him and just a total baby.

Baby eats a better mix of foods, hoping Cypher will learn to try new foods from the new guy! The baby also likes toys, Cy hates them. New guy is very slightly different, I don't think DH will be able to tell them apart! He's got a white nose, more blurred red on belly, wider white around the eyes and some blue feathers around his legs. Just glancing up at them on the stand and I can't tell them apart, but it's obvious once they are next to each other, baby is always leaned up close, snuggling like crazy. It's freaking adorable!! Baby is a bit more chatty, he hates the blue budgie with a strong passion, but ignores the white budgie. Baby almost took his first bath, but chickened out.

I need unique name ideas....Thoughts?

Hard to tell if it's always the baby shaking his head for food or if Cy is doing it.




Yes, he kicked was weird.

Further twin evidence, eating the same dried grape! He stole a sliver from the baby!
Awesome! I'm glad they accept and like each other! I wish I can be that lucky when / if I decide to get a companion for my sun conure!
Very cute!! I'd get myself so confused if I had two normal GCC's, though!! I've got two Blue Heelers, and even though one has a cropped tail and the other doesn't I still sometimes get them confused in the right lighting... ;)
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They are fairly regularly getting along now. Cy has even started talking back to the new guy when they are in their cages, like a real conure should sound! I can leave them alone downstairs w/o much worry of Cy bitting toes and birds being all over the place when I go back down.
Baby still has no name, he likes to play with everything and Cy is learning to try and play with random things, too.











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