Cursed adorable CAG!


New member
Oct 4, 2011
I just wanted to share with you guys as I'm sure you can sympathize! The breeder from whom I purchase my rose-crowned conure also had a baby African Grey - fully feathered and pretty big, but still quite young. I walked by his cage a couple of times and said a few nice things to him on my way by. Before I left I paused to talk to him some more and he walked over to me, which impressed the breeder as she says he is usually wary of strangers. I thought she was having me on until he bristled at my friend. He let me pet him and made the sweetest little sounds at me. To make things worse, he was for sale.

Of course, I do not have a lifestyle suitable for such a demanding bird (I'm out of the house 8-6:30 daily), but by golly did I ever want him SO BAD.
I have a grey and a GCC both. I will tell you flat out the GCC is so much more demanding of attention then my Grey.
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Hm. Really? From what I understand (which granted might not be a lot!), Grey's need a lot of one-on-one, mentally enriching interaction. My GCC is with me whenever I am home but I don't worry about her getting bored when I'm away. I assume she is either sleeping, preening, eating or chatting with her buddy is another cage.
my grey much prefers her new playgym right now to me :( When she can't be on it or me, I leave on disney movies and other song filled movies, she loves them.
As a rescuer & re-homer, I am often amazed at how some birds will warm up to some people, but, not others. We have always said that the bird picks you, you don't pick the bird.
My little gal Rosie the grey TAG gets lots of mental stimulation and attention. Demanding attention is another thing altogether. Gcc Cricket wants to be top bird all the time and demands my time and energy. They are little dominant birds that want to be in control of the flock and home. Anyway that has been my experience so far.
Must mention this.......
I had not seen Mishka, until the day the breeder delivered him to me.
(6 1/2weeks old)
I had been in hospital and was unable to let a bird choose me.
I kept in touch with the breeder every few days. I had to wait a week longer, because my future bird was too weak.......
I went through sheer agony, thinking was I going to get a bird that was weak, perhaps sickly........... (had another African Grey "Gigi"for 3 months, she had a stroke and died) I was not ready for another heartbreak.

Was I cursed.......

When Mishka arrived, my heart melted.
Mishka was so tiny, and so ugly in the most beautiful way, OMG it was love a first sight.


I was cursed for sure, God sent me the most loving, adorable bird whom I love with each breath I take.
It is my honour and privilege being Mishka's guardian.


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My little gal Rosie the grey TAG gets lots of mental stimulation and attention. Demanding attention is another thing altogether. Gcc Cricket wants to be top bird all the time and demands my time and energy. They are little dominant birds that want to be in control of the flock and home. Anyway that has been my experience so far.

I have to agree my house is the same way. Rowdy demands the most attention, and she gets jealous when I'm playing with the other birds. They don't seem anywhere near as jealous as her.
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It would be more helpful if you told me that CAG's were a huge handful and made awful pets and also if youtube didn't have a plethora of adorable CAG videos!!

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