Crusty musty cat got a vet appt.


Well-known member
2x Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 2, 2021
Vermont, USA
Stormy(M): blue Australian budgie
Picasso(F): green Australian budgie
Apollo(F): sky blue dominant pied Australian budgie
My dad brought our 19-20 yr old cat to the vet today. And guess what? She's fine! We were a bit worried because she was pooping everywhere, and my grandma said we should put her down because "she's miserable and frail". She is not, she is still very active, cuddly, and pretty healthy for an old lady, and the vet said she doesn't need to be put down because she doesn't seem to be in any pain or to be suffering or stressed out, etc.... which is really good news! She's an awesome cat, I love her.

There was one issue though, she is "bordering on hyperthyroidism" according to the vet. The vet says that's probably the reason she's hungry all the time and pooping everywhere; because her metabolism is pretty fast due to "bordering on hyperthyroidism". She's going on some mild medication, the goal is that she can get to the litter box in time, and it would also be nice (to her) if she was less hungry all the time. Food flies down the hatch with that cat.

Just wanted to share, I'm super relieved.

PS. It's kind of funny, you can't put her in a carrier, and dad lost her harness, so she was loose in the car. She was fine, but looked very concerned. She rested on the drive home, apparently, so wasn't too stressed.
Awww, cat poop is the worst! Animals with high protein diets have such stinky feces.

I hope the meds help out. Incontinence in cats is particularly rough because unlike dogs most of them won’t tolerate a diaper, and they aren’t really designed for fecal matter anyway. My parents dog (who passed from old age last year) had urinary incontinence, but was happy to wear a little diaper & my mother is retired so she took her out for frequent bathroom breaks. Not so easy with a feline!

I’m glad it was mostly good news from the vet though. Did they think maybe more litter boxes would help? Placed in areas she uses the toilet? I had a rescue cat with cerebellar hypoplasia that had trouble making it to the litter box so we had a combo of multiple litter boxes around the house, and we’d keep her in a small room like a bathroom or large laundry room when we weren’t home so she didn’t get lost and unable to find a box.
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We got the meds yesterday, and she's been taking them like a champ! She gets 1/2 a pill twice a day, and we just hide it in a glop of wet cat food, which she happily eats. So far, she's about the same... but that's to be expected, today is only her second day on medication. She's very happy about the extra treats, though!

Also, one of the side effects of her current medication is drinking more. This is a good thing, because she was dehydrated when the vet saw her (and she had to be given some fluids).

@ravvlet She does have pee pads all over the house that she'll usually go on... but she's not consistent, although she doesn't poop on "her" chair. She seems to be OK mentally, she knows where everything is (since she pees in the litter box only), and she's a very cheerful girl.
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Guess who's up at 1am with a headache and insomnia and had to clean the contents of the crusty musty's stomach off their bedroom floor, and now still can't fall asleep, and is also the crusty musty's sole source of comfort apparently and also must feed the crusty musty at this ungodly hour, and has not had more than half an hour of sleep all night and is TIRED.

Congratulations, you found me.
Guess who's up at 1am with a headache and insomnia and had to clean the contents of the crusty musty's stomach off their bedroom floor, and now still can't fall asleep, and is also the crusty musty's sole source of comfort apparently and also must feed the crusty musty at this ungodly hour, and has not had more than half an hour of sleep all night and is TIRED.

Congratulations, you found me.
Oh no! R u ok? Sorry you’re having a rough night.

I don’t sleep well at night so if you want to message me that’s ok.

Your poor kitty. It’s tough getting old. Can you put down a sheet or something so kitty can puke or poop on that and not your carpet?
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