Crazy Lucy... HELP!


New member
Jan 30, 2015
1 CAG, Lucy (aka Miss Poops)
My sweet Congo has decided that she DOES NOT want me to touch her. Everyone else in the family has no problem. When i"m assisting her (i.e. giving her food, lifting her off the floor and over to her play tree, giving toys) she takes them. But the second I go to give her pets she lunges and bits me HARD. This has been going on for about 3 weeks. Sometimes she's good for an hour and then starts this behavoir and sometimes it's right away.

Any suggestions on how to stop this? I'm assuming she's mad at me but I'm not sure... :(
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Dunno. What have you done lately to get her mad at you? It's never the fault of the parrot.
Need more info.
Issues to be looked at...
Sexual maturity/bonding
Changes in you, your appearance, the environment
Health (need a trip to the vet?)
First step is what Wrench said! A for real look at what you have changed or done since, or just before this change occurred.

Basic information is always helpful!

So, I guessing that she is about 3 maybe? etc...
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i've been a bit stressed lately and have had to travel for a few days 2 weeks ago. She's 2 and she just recently (like a month and a half) went to the vet. She's eating fine. Just her normal self, constantly chatting and making noises. I haven't changed anything besides my face moisturizer in the last month. Like I said, she's the same with everything except for pets and being put away. Maybe she doesn't want to be put away? But she's out for a good 5 or 6 hours a day, right when I get home to bed time during the weekdays and longer on the weekends.
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Our parrots remember things we do not and this makes it harder to try and work out what has caused the change in her. Has your new beauty product a different and distinctive smell? Work from scratch building your relationship from the ground up again.
"I haven't changed anything besides my face moisturizer in the last month."
" bits me HARD. This has been going on for about 3 weeks"

Its stuff like this you have to pay attention to, and consider. Is the reason for the aggression? We dont know, but try going back to what ever you were using prior to the aggression, for a few weeks and see if that helps. Greys are so sensitive to change, I know people who can't wear a specific color or even a specific shirt around their Grey.
This is a constant "battle" and there is a long learning curve, IMHO. I am going through this a little with Perjo. I would swear up and down on my life she is the best behaved little angel of a CAG anywhere (and I expect most others to say the same of their FIDS) but lately she has become a bit stubborn and isn't very cooperative in stepping up and letting me handle her.

I don't believe I have changed anything, I believe I have allowed her too long a leash and not kept her engaged and challenged enough with day to day life.

So my plan is to do a bit of a reset of boundaries and routine. First thing in morning change the bowls like always, let her eat for a few minutes then open her cage and only allow her out to come WITH me and sit on my hand or shoulder, instead of giving her free reign of the outside perches of her cage. Then I'm going to put her back in, leave the room where she can see me and allow her to finish her first go around with breakfast. Hopefully this will reset some boundaries and the idea of freedom in her mind.

Just stick with it and don't retreat from your relationship with your CAG.

ETA: and yes certain color clothes I wear get Perjo upset, usually multi-colored tops or red below the waist. She's quite the fashion critic.

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