Crazy Hair colors around parrots ?


Active member
May 5, 2016
Southern California
Kermit, ♀ GCC (Green Demon)
Hi all,

I've really been in the mood to dye the ends of my hair a nice shade of pastel purple. I only have a year before I join the professional world, and I'd really like to take advantage of getting away with it while I can.

I've been trying to research how safe this would be around my parrot. The general consensus is dyed hair seems safe around parrots once it no longer smells/after enough time has passed (a week I believe ?). But unfortuneatly, pastel colors need to be frequently reapplied (about every 4-5 washings), and I don't know how safe that is for a GCC who enjoys playing in my hair.

I've been trying to see about safer hair dyes, like manic panic. It advertises itself as vegan and non-toxic, but I figure anything that dyes your hair into strange colors can only be so safe....

I would like to mention I do intend to get the initial haircut done at a professional salon, because I'm useless with hair. I'd be doing the reapplications myself, however.
This is the sort of hair I want to get !

Anyways, I appreciate your thoughts :-] :green2:
Pretty! I don't have an opinion on the toxicity of the dye, but your GCC might not appreciate the color change. I know some of them get upset when other hairstyle changes, so just food for thought.
My youngest daughter (27) has blue hair done like that pic. Manic panic is not the right thing to get that look, you'd have to bleach all the parts you want to colour first, and then MP washes out pretty much immediately. Semi-permanent colours fade out a little less fast, but you can end up with a green cast. It's really hard to keep a consistent colour, but definitely give it a shot. :) Good luck and I hope your bird is okay with it.
My hair is dyed, my flock hasn't had a problem with it. I had my hair dyed to the roots, but now it's half and half, Elvis is the only one who has seen me before I dyed my hair, he hasn't had a problem with it. My hair is a pink/red color, along with my natural color roots. two of my birds play in my hair, one likes to hide in it when I wear it down, the other likes to play with it.

Sent from my Galaxy s8

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