Couldn't live without an amazon.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
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San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
Bought myself a male BFA as my Christmas present to me. He is an absolute love, and his behavior is perfect. (I got him at 4.5 months, and yeah, I kinda know a thing or two about raising zons...) I named him Pecker II after one of the most bonded birds I ever owned, another BFA...

His hatch date is actually the day that evil woman poisoned my flock...
I know a bit about being without an Amazon and so very happy to hear you have filled that corner of your World!

Amazons Have More Fun; messing with your mind!!
His breeder made a lot of mistakes with him, but I absolutely adored him from the get go and bought him anyway.

She clipped him before he fledged, and I believe she forced weaned him, which really pisses me off... but I hand fed him, and turned him on to all kinds of different foods, and now he is my best eater...

He didn't even know step up. She grabbed him from behind rather than teach him something so basic.... So it took about a month to get him up to speed. But he is a GREAT bird! Frankly, he's the best bird I've got at the moment behavior wise. I don't think I've ever even caged him. He lives in Sally's old cage, and has her old play stand.

He beak wrestles with me nose to beak, while barking like my mom's dog.

He is just the sweetest thing.
Bought myself a male BFA as my Christmas present to me. He is an absolute love, and his behavior is perfect. (I got him at 4.5 months, and yeah, I kinda know a thing or two about raising zons...) I named him Pecker II after one of the most bonded birds I ever owned, another BFA...

His hatch date is actually the day that evil woman poisoned my flock...
Awwww! That’s so awesome!
BFA are so gorgeous!
It’s amazing you have experience with Amazons already, it certainly helps.
Chubby is my first Amazon & he was very aggressive for the first 4 months. I trained him for just 2 days & now he is beak wrestling, eating out of my hands, no more lunging. He cuddles & everything.
So happy for you getting your sweet Amazon.

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