Conure with feather problems


New member
Mar 15, 2023
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I have a 5yo Female conure thats having some problems with her feathers, the feathers that are supposed to be Green are mostly Black/dark and she has some small bald spots around the ear and the chin, the bald spots started around january when she started to lay eggs for the first time, are these things relationed? It never happened before. I went to a vet a while ago (the only vet that attend parrots here where i live, But shes not an avian vet) and she didnt knew exactly what was the problem and just prescribed a vitamin to put in the water (and without doing any blood test to really know If my bird has vitamin deficiency or not) which i dont thing its the case because her diet is basically pellets, veggies, fruits and eggs. I have a male conure as well, and he also does have some black feathers (But way less than the female) But has no bald spots. Does anyone know what should i do? Is there any kind of disease that can cause this? Shes not behaving different than before and is always playful
Welcome to the forums though I’m sorry to hear about your Conure’s feathers. If you can post a picture that will likely help you get better advice.

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