Conure Movement


New member
Mar 21, 2017
the conure i have was just running around, climbing on things, try to grab my Ebook Cover, then huddle againtst my shirt.

then it decided to jump up my Hand and it did something i hadn't seen it do before it would puff up and walk left and right then relax and go back to doing whatever it was doing before and minute later it suddenly decides to do it again, what does it signify.

It sounds like he is just being a conure. But if you are concerned maybe you could share a video with us?

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Sounds like normal Conure behavior to me.
I second (or third) the "normal conure behavior" explanation, particularly if it's a green-cheek. Fluffing up feathers means that a parrot is either cold or content (though fluffed-up feathers which don't flatten when the bird is startled may indicate illness), though moving around wile fluffed up is something I've only seen in green-cheeks. Restlessness and inquisitiveness seem to be personality traits of every green-cheek I've encountered. Not even my Senegal was as curious as my green-cheek.
HAHA Oh conures they are crazy thats why I love them.

The puff up and walk sounds like it is doing the "strut" They do this when excited or to show off how big they are and other reasons. Conures are spazzy hyper little birds that need to be doing something all the time. So sounds normal to me.
Well sounds like a Conure behavior to me. ��
Yesssssssssssssssss... sounds like conure (probably rooster) swag to me!

May I share the Rb's version?
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - swaggg! (clicking and strutting) - YouTube[/ame]

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