Conure is regurgitating strangely..


New member
Dec 16, 2010
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I understand from the little research I made, that they can regurgitate found to give to whom they "love". With the head bobbing and all. However, here's what happened a few times today: -She starts making a weird noise with her nose, almost like she's breathing faster. -She starts regurgitating food, but it just looks like some.. strange white stuff, almost looks like butter. -She does it multiple time, even while alone on her cage and doesn't try to give it to anybody, instead just throws it away. All this together has me a bit worried. She doesn't seem unhealthy otherwise. Though after she just did it, she's very calm. Could there be a problem here?
Sounds like she is vomiting. I agree with Spiritbird a visit to a Vet ASAP.

Don't delay she may need antibiotics.
I would also say this is a sign of illness, I would recomend a visit to an avian vet if only for peace of mind.
Yes get her to a vet asap..

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