Conure Anatomy


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Yellow Sided Conure (Suzuki), Cockatiel (Raffi)
Hello everyone,

I have what might be a stupid question, and I feel very silly even asking it, but I just want to make sure.

I was scratching my conure's neck today and I felt a bump that I do not think I have felt before. It is on the anterior, medial side of her neck, at the base. So basically just at the very bottom of her neck where her chest begins. It is in the middle, and does not deviate onto any side. I have attached a picture and the area I am referring to is where #2 is located on the photo.

It is hard which leads me to believe it is bone, but I am just making sure. Do all of your bird have this bump there? I have no other conure to compare it to. I do not know why in the 5.5 years I have had her I had never felt this bump before. I am slightly concerned in the case she may have had a misalignment in her cervical vertebrae or something. I am not a vet so I am not 100% sure if that is even possible. I do not believe it is a growth of any sort as the lump is very hard and feels like bone. She does not appear in any sort of pain and is performing her regular birdy activities as usual. She doesn't appear to be having any limitations in her range of motion and doesn't show any discomfort when I touch the area.

Please tell me that it is just the regular shape of her neck and that I am just over analyzing this "mysterious" bump.

Thank you,

-Worried Natalie


  • bird_22393_lg.gif
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Probably the crop. Or it could be the start of the keelbone.
If it's in the neck region, it's the crop. It wouldn't show on an image of bone anatomy because it's a soft tissue organ for storing food. It will feel like a small bump and will feel quite hard because it's rather muscular and food stays there to soften (such as seeds) for easier digestion before going into the rest of the digestive tract. It's also where food stays if it's to be regurgitated for babies.

I would really recommend - to anyone - purchasing a simple book of bird physiology and muscle/bone anatomy. They have very complex and interesting organs, bone structures, and respiratory systems, so it's good to know about them in a basic sense for general check overs. I'm sure theres also lots of great online sources, as Monica has posted.

Hope this helps! And don't worry.... eventually you'll end up extraordinarily paranoid (parrotnoid?) like the rest of us :D
Also, here's an image of the digestive system of birds:


You'll notice the crop is right where you'd find bone "2" of your diagram :)
hhahahahaha parrotnoid. Good one!!

It is almost certainly the crop and nothing to worry about! I had this same experience with Sootie. Noticed a big lump in her throat one evening and freaked out. But the next morning it was pretty much gone. I looked it up and deduced it hadsomething to do with being found between dinner and that big morning poop :p
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Thank you for all of the answers guys! This has really calmed me down. I will keep an eye on it in case it may be something else but I think the bump I am referring to is definitely the crop. It's very misleading as it seems as hard as bone. I was so sure she had a neck injury. Anyways thank you very much!

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