construction disruption going to happen at our place...

Bird Mann

Sep 27, 2023
Maple Ridge BC
I care for and manage a bonded pair of Parrotlets.
Starting this weekend we are replacing a patio and walkways, there will be jackhammers for two maybe three days to break up the old, that will be he most noise, we are putting in pavers but with that comes a loud tamping machine that pounds the ground level and hard.
I am going to have to move my birds. I hate the thought......there is a spot in the front
entrance area by my front door it has a big skylight for natural light., and will be away
from the area...but will still hear it all. This will be interesting! oh my! any suggestions?
the front entrance is big and lit, but no view through the stained glass. I am going to get
complaints from my peanut gallery! I know it! Peanut gallery is Opi and Bonnie they are
gonna be angry birds! lol
They will handle the loud noises just fine, after they get used to it. At least with this kind of construction there are no noxious smells or vapors. Inside work is a whole 'nother story!
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Your reply makes me feel a whole lot better thank you! you just never know, and yes there will be no fumes thank goodness just a whole lot
of unavoidable noise. We'll see! this will start Saturday. It will be
nice in that I will be able to roll their enclosure outside easily.

Thanks ! I really appreciate you sharing your wisdom!
Be there with your birds when the noise first starts up.
talk to them calmly and let them know everything is okay.
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Be there with your birds when the noise first starts up.
talk to them calmly and let them know everything is okay.
They will handle the loud noises just fine, after they get used to it. At least with this kind of construction there are no noxious smells or vapors. Inside work is a whole 'nother story!
First day I moved them out of worry, they were statues haha, did not do much and only a little seet chirps for me.
Second day they were more themselves.
I did a silly dance for them and silly sounds to relax them and it worked they saw from me that it was ok. The things we have to do eh? :LOL::blue2::blue2:
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They will handle the loud noises just fine, after they get used to it. At least with this kind of construction there are no noxious smells or vapors. Inside work is a whole 'nother story!
So now it's May, most of the pavers are in and they are using the gas powered pounding machine that goes over the stones and pounds them into the substrate., makes one heck of a racket! and what are my two dear little Parrotlets doing? sitting on the perch closest to where they can
see best what is happening and watching with that side eye interest not
bothered a bit and it's loud! I love how these guys adjust, They are eating their 'cookies' ( a few bits of millet) and watching the action I love it haha.

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