considering adopting brother & sister questions


New member
May 8, 2013
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Moorpark Ca
Eclectus parrot, rescue, Riley 13 yr old, CAG siblings Punkin and Munkin, 5 yr old
hi, my wife and i have been looking at a 6 year old brother and sister pair of greys which the owners will not allow to be split up. They are housed together.
We are told the birds have been housed together their entire lives.
I haven't really seen birds housed like this, and wonder what others thoughts are regarding this as a permanent living arrangement. My concern is that at some point hormonal behavior might kick in and become a problem. Is that even a legitatmite concern?
Does anyone else house adult siblings together?
i have two sibling lovebirds. i would house them together just fine if they got along lol but they dont (munch tries to kill mango over veggies).

you can prevent breeding using hormone control methods if they start showing signs of hormonal behaviours (start increasing their night hours to 12-14 hours a night for example.) and dont offer any form of nest box or the like that they might see as a potential nest site! rearrange the cage if they start showing hormone signs too. dunno how those work with the larger parrots though, but thats what they recommend for the smaller birds like cockatiels and lovebirds

but, if they do happen to lay eggs, then simply boil the eggs or replace them with fakes and you wont have to worry about inbred babies :)

that's what we have to do because our female lovebird lays eggs and sometimes she and her brother are naughty when they are out of the cage together. we boil the eggs she lays so that they dont hatch

hope that helps, i hope others can offer more advice to you. this is just what works for me, so i thought i'd share.

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