Congo African Grey


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Amman, Jordan
1 Congo African Grey
Hi there

I am a new bird owner, I have a Congo African Grey Parrot, and he is 3 years old. He is a sweet guy, so gentle like to feel his head, can say a lot of words and variety of animal sounds he loves to learn.

I read a lot of parrots’ articles before getting Zooz. I understand what is it to have an African Grey, it’s a long term commitment and I am willing to take it.

I think if u knows how to train Greys they will be very interactive pets and u will enjoy living with them.

So I will do my best to learn and train Zooz and have it as a pet forever as they are true intelligent smart long living pets as far as I know.

Well I have 3 main questions:

  • I want to introduce a different food (blend of fruits, nuts and legumes with Tropican) than I the one he is eating right now (sunflower Seeds). The issue here that he don’t know how to eat it for that he pick up the food try eating it then he leave it to fall apart.
  • I got him a vitamin powder which can be solved in a water or mixed with his soft food. Is it good to use such vitamin?
  • He keeps scratching himself is this normal? is it a habit? If not what should I do to avoid this? Can bath help? if yes How can I do it?

Hope things will go better cuz I really liked this parrot and I want him to be in a excellent condition to stay with me healthy living a luxurious, happy and entertaining life.

Thanks in advance
Hello SK I too am a guardian for a young grey timneh. The hand feeder had her hooked on seeds. It was tough getting her off them but as the vet suggested she is now eating Harrison's pellets. Seeds only given on a treat basis now. It took a while and some patience which it sounds like you have. She did drop a little weight. Have u had to to vet? That would be the first step.
You can soften foods up some by soaking in warm water. I do it with a mix of cornbread, baby food and the pellets. At least that is how I started. You won't need vitamin powders with pellets.
The bath is another issue for us. I started out by putting a bowl of warm water in bottom of cage and all she did was drink it. Then I switched to a spray bottle and she really protested so I wil stop that and go back to step 1. Even though the bird u have is 3 years old you can go back to baby steps with the problem areas. Good luck and what a love these birds are!!

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