Concerned for Percy's footies & sleeping quality


New member
Nov 15, 2013
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South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
Percy has been in his cage for almost a week and during the day, he loves it - plays with his toys, eats well, sings and chats, etc.

Whilst he slept on a perch the first two nights, he's taken to hanging from the bars on the front of the cage, for night time. He clearly isn't comfortable because he moves every few minutes. From what I can see, he only goes to a perch (the lowest in the cage) after midnight to sleep. He does this whether the cage is partially or fully closed up with a blanket.

My concerns are twofold -

- surely this lack of proper sleep is not good? He sleeps a lot during the day now (more than usual), obviously because he's tired. When he sleeps in the day, he sleeps on a perch (second highest perch) and tucks his head and one foot away.
- also, will this bat-action thing he's got going on, not hurt his feet and beak? In addition to hanging on the bars at night, he's taken to spending a lot of time on the rim of his "toy basket" (SS food bowl attached to the cage, narrow but blunt rim). Will all of this not hurt his feet? I've had a look at his feet and they 'seem' normal but I did notice some redness.

Any thoughts?
can you rearrange his perches?

it just sounds like he is trying to get comfy and settle for the night.
I would assume that if he continues all these behaviors, over time it would most likely have a detrimental effect on his feet.

maybe he would like a night light? or maybe he could use his old cage for sleeping only until he gets used to his new cage?

are the perches in his new cage also new? or are they the same ones he's had? maybe put a perch up higher in his cage- all my fids sleep on the highest perch available- they're arranged so the perches are as high as possible leaving enough head room
I'm not sure how nee cage is arranged but perhaps take the perch he used to sleep on in his old cage and put it in his new cage in a similar position?
His old perches are too short for the new cage but the one he slept on was a bamboo perch. I happen to have a long piece of bamboo here that I've been cutting up to make toys so I will see if I have enough to make him a perch similar to what he had. Thanks for the suggestion.
I'm not sure how nee cage is arranged but perhaps take the perch he used to sleep on in his old cage and put it in his new cage in a similar position?

Thank you!! Thank you!! It worked like a charm! I made a new perch, identical to what he had before (but longer of course) and placed it as high up as possible. Percy took to it almost instantly! I am so pleased and relieved that he will sleep well tonight :)
Yay! Glad it was an easy fix =)
I just peeped into his cage and he's very nicely snuggled up and snoozing on the new perch! :D. Clearly, this was what the poor dear was missing! I feel so bad that he had to suffer for almost a week before I fixed the problem :( Thank goodness for Freespin's suggestion :)
I use Paper Bark limbs for the upper perches and banksia for the lower both r different so when Caesar is sleeping he has the soft paper bark and the variation of the harder banksia below.
Both r GREAT for chewing as well.
And that's why this forum is gold
Update - Mr Percy slept on his new perch aaaalll night!!! Slept a total of 12 hours without moving off it. Whoop!!!

Thanks again, Freespin!!

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