Commodore 64 music for parrots


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
Clifford-Scarlet Macaw
Kayko- B&G Macaw
Doogie - Catalina Hybrid Macaw
My Catalina hybrid macaw Doogie enjoys dancing to music; especially when we dance with him. 26 years ago I was a big fan of doing things with the Commodore 64 computer and was especially interested in it's music capabilities. Now in retirement, I dragged my old Commodore out of the closet and began programming music for my computer to play once again. Doogie especially likes Ragtime piano music. I find the sheet music free on the internet and enter it to be played by the sound chip inside the computer. Things human beings would find very difficult to play are simple for the computer. If anyone still has their old Commodore 64 with a 1541 disk drive, I would be happy to send you a disk of music absolutely free.
Well, you should have let me know back in October that you were going to post this...was advised it was time to get rid of some of my toys, so got $25 for it & went for BBQ.....oh, well, some of us have higher powers we must answer to.....
I like to write music on a "tracker" game on the Gameboy, called LSDJ (I say "tracker" since I don't think it technically counts as one, since it needs a gameboy or emulator to run). Cream seems to enjoy my music as well. I don't have any sheet music (I'm one of those weird musical people who doesn't know how to read music but can write it) but I enjoy transcribing music into 8-bit, with only 4 tracks and it forces me to be creative with how I use the tracks. Do you write music for it or do you just play music on it? I don't understand that 100%.
Bacca's cage is in the same room with a 6'7" grand piano. She definitely has ideas of what she wants to hear. I'm sure ragtime would make her happy. I can't play too much slow stuff. Mostly she dances and chirps along with the thing playing Teddy Wilson (it's a disklavier).

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