codex talking help


New member
Nov 11, 2011
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Blue Crowned Conure (Codex)
so codex seems to really like talking and she learns words very fast. She learned peekaboo in about 3 min and learned how to purr after me doing it one time. but how do i get her to do this things on queue? ive tried giving her treats but its like tottaly random when she says things.
I think it just takes time... Shrek, my dear departed Quaker, would say words in context, like if I was working in the kitchen, he'd go 'watchadoin'... if I picked up my keys to the car: 'byebye', if I turned off the lights it was: nightynight...

Still miss him sooooo much..
My BCC Alex will speak in conversations. He won't repeat anything i say, but he will answer me, or start a conversation
(Usually it revolves around food. He'll say "I'm hungry, I want FOOOOOOD") My neighbors probably think I have hostages here.

Give her time. Once Alex started learning words, it took off from there. People are amazed when they hear him talk when I'm on the phone. He won't do it if there's someone here, so everyone just hears it over the phone.

Make sure you respond to her when she talks. It will encourage it.

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