Coco's big scary Halloween MONSTER


Aug 11, 2017
Yellow-sided GCC
..which she is terrified of...

Interesting, indeed!

At the current moment, our Amazon is circling around a orange bucket near the front door that he saw his most favorite Lady place candy into just a bit earlier! He has yet to classify it as safe or radioactive! :D
It’s my day off, I’ve spent the better part of the day trying to show my bird that the fuzzy triangle sleeping hut isn’t going to send him to Narnia. I put my arm through it, I put it up to my eye and looked at him , I put a handful of sun flower seeds and spread them from the very edge to the deepest inside and he has seen me take all the treats out of it because I hold it up for him to see when I get one but nopppeee. That thing is too scary.
If you use your imagination a bit (a lot), that thing lookes like a big bird... it's orange... the nozzle is the beak... the handle is the wing...

It *IS* scary!

RUN, run away!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s my day off, I’ve spent the better part of the day trying to show my bird that the fuzzy triangle sleeping hut isn’t going to send him to Narnia. I put my arm through it, I put it up to my eye and looked at him , I put a handful of sun flower seeds and spread them from the very edge to the deepest inside and he has seen me take all the treats out of it because I hold it up for him to see when I get one but nopppeee. That thing is too scary.

Mine hated his's the good part!!!!!! now I can use it to keep him away from an area I don't want him going because he doesn't like to go near it.:gcc:

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