We have a 15 year rescue bare eyed cockatoo, had him for around about a year now and has all of a sudden over the past month started plucking underneath his wings, which is getting worse where he makes himself bleed. It seems to me that he has very itchy and irritated skin, he can sleep and jump up & shake out of nowhere!! Seems to be really annoying him. Cannot seem to stop it, have tried spraying with water, getting him in a bath, mite spray (which seemed to help for a day or two), and have now resorted to "No-Pick" avian spray. He's a fussy eater but he has daily supplements etc. Plenty of toys & attention as we are busy with him everyday in learning him to come out of his cage. Starting to feel really bad as I don't know why he does it or how to stop it!!!! Please help!!!! Open to all suggestions!!!!