Hey fellow bird parents! I have made a few posts on this forum, and everyone here is so helpful and knowledgeable!! I have returned with another question, one about my new bird (I know, so many new birds), Einstein! He's a 5yo male pied tiel with a whole lot of attitude. He's extremely smart (smart enough to know how to manipulate me) and vocal! We keep him in the basement (I know it's bad for him, but Mom's orders, since we have a cathedral roof and whatever sound upstairs carries through the whole house) and take him upstairs periodically, however he is well adjusted to his home and gets a bit stressed and anxious when moving to new locations. My family and I will be out of town for the next couple of days, and I was thinking of taking him upstairs to see the light of day for a few days where he can screech his little birdy heart out without bothering anyone. However, the only good place to keep him would be in the kitchen. Now, I know this is strictly forbidden as a permanent location, as teflon fumes are toxic to birds and it's not exactly sanitary, however, no one would be actively cooking or using chemicals while he was there. The kitchen has been aired out (we opened the windows and door), however my family are active users of teflon. Would it be okay? And if it is, any tips on how to get him properly acclimated to the kitchen before we leave him?