Cockatiel egg not hatched after a few days since due.


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Oct 20, 2023
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Huffle the grey Quaker parrot, poe the white & blue budgie, 2 breeding cockatiels
2 conures.
We previously had 4 cockatiel eggs from our cockatiel breeding pair. We incubated them for 20-27 days (none of them lived) Our female had laid one random egg a few weeks ago, we put the cockatiel egg in the incubator straight away. We candled him a fair amount of times he was happy and growing but as the 18th day nothing was happening. He did a tiny pip 2-4 days ago and another one 2 days after, they seem to be in the correct places but nothing has happened since, we have thought we might of seen a death ring forming but still not sure if he will live as he was due this monday as it is now friday and they are only little pips.
You could try to “help” him a bit by pipping a bit more of his egg though he may be dead. Meet it posting!
You could try to “help” him a bit by pipping a bit more of his egg though he may be dead. Meet it posting!
Yes well we are pretty sure he could be dead but I think he might of pipped a little bit more. Thanks for the comment ❤
Yes well we are pretty sure he could be dead but I think he might of pipped a little bit more. Thanks for the comment ❤
Welcome! I am happy to help anyone in need!
I'm sorry your chicks didn't hatch. So sad. 🙁
If there's a chance they may still be live in the egg try putting the egg in a cup of very still body temp water and see if the egg moves as it floats. If so, the chick is alive.
If there's a chance they may still be live in the egg try putting the egg in a cup of very still body temp water and see if the egg moves as it floats. If so, the chick is alive.
we candled him yesterday and saw him moving. But we think he is not strong enough to hatch 🥲
we candled him yesterday and saw him moving. But we think he is not strong enough to hatch 🥲
Are you sure? How do you know hes too weak to hatch? Why not try to assist him out of the egg? Maybe it's not the right thing to do but I would as long as I was sure the incubation period was complete and he was a developed as he could get. I would have a very hard time just letting him die.
If you do decide to help with hatch, start from the head down as most of the blood vessels and the yolk sac are in the lower half. And if you see any sign of blood stop immediately. Sometimes chicks can make it with a little help. ❤️
youtube has good tutorials for assisted hatching.. if you need help I can assist if you PM me

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