Cockatiel breeding liklihood


New member
Nov 12, 2013
White Face Cinnamon Pearl Pied Cockatiel - "Muffin"

Hatch Date: October 4th, 2013
RIP July 4, 2014
I want a second tiel, but if the tiel I get turns out to be female, what is the liklihood it will mate with my male? I would get a young one, and when they're really little, I have no idea what they would be. I would like them to be friends, keep each other company, etc. . .

What can I do to keep them from breeding, or is this something that is going to happen. What if the tiel is a male. Can two males have a nice bond?
Two tiels of either gender usually mix well, although two females may compete for nesting space in spring. Obviously you won't have this problem though. As for breeding, it depends. Sometimes an opposite sex pair will breed every year, sometimes they'll be friendly but not mates. They may also not get along, which seems unlikely. Breeding behavior is dependent on whether or not they choose each other as mates. I'm not entirely sure about the numbers, but it isn't uncommon for opposite sex pairs to never breed and simply be friendly. If you want to prevent breeding, give them separate cages and during breeding season be extra diligent about limiting sun exposure by covering the females cage so she won't lay eggs, even if they're infertile.
I have found out by limiting the sunlight exposure doesn't really help too much. If they want to lay, they will do it regardless of what you do. If you keep them in separate cages and keep an eye out for them when they're out together then you have a better chance of them not breeding.
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I think my best bet would be to get another male then????
Yes, that's what I would do. Then you have no problems with breeding or laying infertile eggs.
You could always get a re-home or a other bird that's already been sexed. Have you had your bird DNA tested?

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