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Mar 10, 2024
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Sun Conures
Hi!! First day in the group and came here for help! I have 2 sun conures, a male and female. Female has laid 3 eggs and is actively sitting on them day and night. I had no plans on them mating because the person I bought them from said they never had. šŸ˜³Now here we are. What do I need to do? I would love for them to hatch but then what??? I need all the details!
Hi there, are these 2 sun conures DNA tested? At times female parrots will lay eggs. They donā€™t necessarily need a male to lay an egg. Thereā€™s something called egg binding that can be life threatening to your parrot. If your parrot is just laying eggs, and hasnā€™t been mated with it will just be an egg that isnā€™t fertile. If you do have a confirmed male & female well yes then you can have babies. It would depend if you want to use an incubator or not. Iā€™ve seen it done both ways. I have 2 conures, and donā€™t want babies so I ended up doing a bunch of research to learn how to intervene if an egg is laid. In my case Iā€™d take out the fertile egg, and replace it with a fake egg in hopes that my female will lose interest after sometime. It can be very devastating for the females with a natural instinct to lay on the eggs to lose them, and they can continue to lay eggs if they are pulled out & not replaced with a fake egg. Luckily my female has never laid an egg. Hopefully someone else comments that has more education on breeding. Most of my education is how to intervene if my conures do breed as I donā€™t want babies. From my understanding itā€™s very time consuming to breed parrots.
Hi there, are these 2 sun conures DNA tested? At times female parrots will lay eggs. They donā€™t necessarily need a male to lay an egg. Thereā€™s something called egg binding that can be life threatening to your parrot. If your parrot is just laying eggs, and hasnā€™t been mated with it will just be an egg that isnā€™t fertile. If you do have a confirmed male & female well yes then you can have babies. It would depend if you want to use an incubator or not. Iā€™ve seen it done both ways. I have 2 conures, and donā€™t want babies so I ended up doing a bunch of research to learn how to intervene if an egg is laid. In my case Iā€™d take out the fertile egg, and replace it with a fake egg in hopes that my female will lose interest after sometime. It can be very devastating for the females with a natural instinct to lay on the eggs to lose them, and they can continue to lay eggs if they are pulled out & not replaced with a fake egg. Luckily my female has never laid an egg. Hopefully someone else comments that has more education on breeding. Most of my education is how to intervene if my conures do breed as I donā€™t want babies. From my understanding itā€™s very time consuming to breed parrots.
Yes they are definitely male and female. I now have 3 eggs with active birds inside. Now I need to figure out what to do when they hatch. šŸ˜¬

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