Christmas Birds


New member
Dec 4, 2017
African Grey "Einstein"
Quaker "Spike"
Green Budgie "Oliver"
Blue Budgie "Blueberry"
I am new here and this may be off-topic but I have four parrots and I'll be making them presents this year. The two budgies, Blueberry and Oliver, want a mirror (which I happen to have, so check I guess?) and the other budgie wants a sports toy. The Quaker, Spike, wants a new tent. Not the solid ones, the loose top tents. And the Grey wants a duck themed toy like his old one. The only materials I currently have on me are thread, a small bell, a big bell, and a tic-tac box. Would cleaning, and gluing a bell in the box and coating it in papers be a good toy for them? They wouldn't mind if they don't get exactly what they want. DIY links or a under twenty dollar toy similar to the described above would be appreciated. Thanks! -Kolten :greenyellow::whiteblue:
Think safe before cheap!

Threads can be very dangerous for many Parrots! All the way from them getting tangled and hanging by their neck, wings or legs. Also, if they ingest them, they can become a ball in the Crop and that could lead to any number of medical issues.

Glues cross the full spectrum from seriously dangerous to non-toxic!

Read back though the DYI Forum and look for safer ideas.

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