Chipping beak and sneezing?


New member
Oct 31, 2013
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Hi there,
Joey (my Alexandrine) appears to have a chipped beak? At the bottom? I'm not sure if this is something to be worried about? There looks to be a new beak underneathe, he has also been sneezing a lot today, its not wet i don't think, but its quite frequent.
I took him to the vet about a week ago for a check up and everything appeared to be normal.
I'm so worried that something is the matter...
Apart from that everything seems to be normal, his droppings vary in amount and colour but nothing that really concerns me, he is still eating a lot, and chewing on everything he can get his beak on!

If someone could tell me what was going on i would really appreciate it!
Take a picture and post it. Most chipping is a normal sloughing of the upper and lower beak. They grow like toenails and fingernails and wear out. sometimes they don't break off evenly.

As for the sneezing, does he put his nails to his nostrils, then sneeze? Or is this multiple unevent-provoked sneezing?
Sneezing could be attributed to dust and lack of humidity in the air. It's that time of year and my two have been doing this more than usual. If you have colored discharge in association with the sneezing, then I would be concerned.

Chipping of the beak is normal. I suggest placing a rough textured perch in the cage so that the bird can rub his beak on it if he desires. The perch will help his nails as well.

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