Chicken Moulting?


New member
Sep 30, 2013
My chook seems to have gone kind of bald overnight. There are feathers all over the place. I've looked it up on the internet and it seems that she might be moulting. Is anybody familiar with chooks and how they look when they are moulting? She looks terrible, I thought the dogs might have had a go at her and pulled some feathers out, but she doesn't seem injured at all, and she had dropped the feathers when she came out of her house so they couldn't have been near her to do it. It isn't like her feathers have come out altogether, she's got like prickly looking half feathers on her.

Obviously, I've never seen a chook in moult before, is it dramatic like that? Or maybe I should have her along to the vet? She seems ok, quite normal in herself, she just looks terrible.
Yes, some chickens look atrocious when they're going through a molt. If you do a quick google search (moulting chook), you'll see some photos that'll make the hair of your neck stand straight up. :eek:

You can also check out Backyardchickens. They have an entire section dedicated to photos of how chickens "can" look while moulting. :)
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Thanks Wendy, I searched before I posted this. The problem with there being so MUCH info online is finding something useful.

I hope that's all that's going on. My poor girl has had a lot to contend with.

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