Cheering up Maya


New member
Aug 16, 2014
Port Richey, Florida
Blue & Gold Macaw [Maya] // Sun Conure Baby [Zippo] // 2 Lovebirds [Nibblet & Nellie]
Well, my sister left to go back to New Jersey to finish her senior year in college, she stayed with me for the past 2 months cause she cant stay at school during break.

This video was taken yesterday

My macaw loves her. Ever since she left yesterday, Maya has been so depressed. Not playing. Hardly eating.

So i tried to cheer her up. It worked a little bit, Some of herself came through

I just realized how Ridiculous i sound when i talk to her... Omg i should delte that audio and add music :x

[ame=""]Maya Is a Pretty Birdy - YouTube[/ame]
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LOVED that video! Thanks so much for sharing it. :D

Maya is SO intently listening to your each and every word. And no, you do NOT sound ridiculous at all. :)

Let your sister know that if she's missing birdy cuddles, she can stop by my house any day to get her 'fix'. ;)
Get your sister to record some audio on a flash drive or CDs (if anyone still uses them).....I used to do it for my birds when I traveled so much.....

I'd just made a trip to Houston to pick up a nanday & sun conure (bonded pair), when I left for about 6 bedsitter put in a recent CD, one I'd made before I left & Fenix, the nanday came out of their cage & climbed all around one of the speakers, trying to find me.....whenever I'd come home, day or night, I'd always have the flock all over me for a day or two, I might get a nip or two, but no really upset birds, cause they had a couple of DVDs to watch also.....

We took our time coming back from Houston, with a motel stop along the way.....although Jimmi would let me handle her, Fenix has always been a bit standoffish...we waited 'til after 9pm to start back & we didn't even get to Beaumont before Fenix decided to ride on my shoulder too. When we got home, we only had six days before I went overseas, but both Jimmi & Fenix seemed to acclimate themselves pretty well.....both birds & their family had been displaced by Katrina, then a few years after that their owner was told she'd have to give up her birds if she wanted to live.....
Give her extra love, cuddles and bribes and you will return to being #1 in her life.
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She's such a good girl. I was just cuddling with her a bit. She gets ornery after 5pm (i keep her very active all day so 5pm she is getting sleepy) I give her rest breaks every hour or so but i play with her a lot. I've always been #1 in her eyes, but she does miss my sister every time she leaves and gets all depressed for a week straight. If i have to leave for a week nobody can even handle her because shes so angry. Normally everyone in the house can cuddle and handle her without a problem. Shes very good and i've only been nipped like twice in the last 5 years. (and no blood) Honestly though, i dont consider a bird to have bitten you unless there is blood to show. heh. Then again, i've had my pinky broken 3 times (By hyacinth Siblings who werent raised very well haha)

I used to groom them so they hated me to begin with, Then i had to baby sit them for a week and it was a hassle keeping them active cuse it was hard to get them in and out of their cage without losing a limb. Meh, im babbling now

My sister doesnt even especially like her. My sister is a Cockatiel/Parakeet kind of person. Me, personally, i love all birds. Even wild ones I rescued a blue Jay that fell from it's nest and my White German Shephard found her in the yard and got all excited and got my attention. I didnt know how to feed it, this was before i was introduced to parrots, so id go to wal mart and buy worms and id crush bugs from outside.. (this was before the internet was as good as it is these days) It lived for 5 years but was always sickley cause it was on the ground for a while. almost dead. I estimate it was 2 weeks old when my dog and i found it. Was a really cool bird though, learned to step up and would chill on my shoulder and stuff. Pretty tame for a wild bird.

But i wouldnt trade all the money in the world for my B&G Maya :D
Ack! I have to stop watching, much less asking, for B&G videos. They're so awesome!

Don't worry about the audio; you sound fine. You just think you sound odd because you're hearing yourself from outside your head. That sounds weird, but you know what I mean. LOL.
Maya is stunning, and was sure loving those scritches! You do not sound ridiculous at all, you sound like a loving Dad:) I also hate to hear my voice on video, scares me to think I really sound like that as I think I sound much better in my head!
The babies are precious as well, I loved when Chewbacca made that noise as soon as you touched him/her!
Love your desktop, btw:) Pisces is thrilled to be hanging out with such distinguished company!
Yeah, I think everyone hates how they sound on video.

And Maya is soooo cute. I hope she cheers up soon from missing your sister :) It was so cute watching her listening to you talk, and watching the little babies.

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