Charlies making progress with his temperment :)


New member
May 22, 2015
yakima, wa
I have a beautiful 4 year old brown throated conure named Charlie. Just bought him on April 18 2015
Charlies been doing so awesome lately and im super proud and jealous lol. He likes me & my hubby but my hubby a little more i was super sad at first but now i just think its cute and great because he listens to my husband and so far hes taught charlie to let us kiss him but if you do it to much he gets annoyed :). He also taught charlie that no means no he has to tell him a few times but charlie hates it and argues with him every time he says it its so hilarious. He flies onto our shoulders alot more often through out the day especially when were eating and loves flying circles around the room now that his flight feathers are coming back. He even started letting us pet him sometimes when hes out of the cage and for this is great for charlies grouchy self and it makes me so happy to see him comfortable with us. :rolleyes: But hes still cage aggressive and with his play stand to know lol and likes to get in a few bites.

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