Charlie the Senegal...


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
So about 3 1/2 weeks ago I made a post about Charlie a wonderful sweet senegal that had stolen my heart.

Visited the same store again today and saw that he was still there and as sweet as ever. This time however, my partner came with me. He was slightly besotted too! Never met a senegal who's so affectionate to people (when caged!).

He's 12 years old and a male, he's apparently a real meanie to the shop owner but a super sweet bird to everyone else. He's real hormonal at the moment (kept stepping up to mate/regurgitate for me) but would offer his head for scritches constantly without an ounce of 'Im gonna getcha!'

We've felt for a while that Merlin needs a friend but are anticipating him being incredibly aggressive. I personally always wanted another 'too, but that will be years down the line I think. If I were to get Merlin a friend, we wanted a meyers or another senegal. I don't want to get a baby again (we're still coming through the toddler stage of tantrums and learning about his hormones. I'd rather a bird more "set in his ways" so to speak.

We've fallen for Charlie, he is just an absolute lovebug. (and he has two good legs, wow! ;))

So, we've just got this new Havana cage, which is what Merlin, our own senegal is in. We were thinking we'd use it for the budgie's (the original plan!) but we might look around for another cheap preowned cage for the budgie's and get Charlie next month instead (if he's still there!)

We're not sure, but we're seriously considering it and Andrew is more on board this time after meeting him although "it's your money Cat...". So, watch this space I guess.

Here's the video of him from the first time we met. He was very affectionate then too.
[ame=]Senegal in pet store being lovely - YouTube[/ame]

The shop keeper might be selling him to a breeder though and I'm just worried because he has so much PET potential rather than being a breeder alone. :(
Could you put a deposit down on him till next month so that they couldn't sell him. He looks like a wonderful bird and 12 years is still young for a senegal?:)
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Could you put a deposit down on him till next month so that they couldn't sell him. He looks like a wonderful bird and 12 years is still young for a senegal?:)

Youngish, they live about 25-30 in the wild but up to around 50 years in captivity. So if he's healthy and stuff, I can grab another 40 years ish ;). His age is 'ideal' for me I think.

My partner is against the idea of putting a deposit down on him and we're just going with the idea that if we get him we get him, but it's not mega loss :)'() if we don't. I do think we'll struggle to find such a sweet older sennie again though!

We'll see what my pay is like next month and see what we can do with cages. He's £175, so, add another cage price on there and extras, we're talking maybe £400. *sigh*.

Budgie's can always go back in their 'old' cage though and he have their Havana so we can delay getting another cage. We'll see...!
Awwwwwww, what a sweet heart. If I had went to that store, I'm afraid that bird would be coming home with me. :) I'm curious though as to how he wound up in the pet shop at 12 years old? Pet stores don't usually sell older birds like that. You can see that who ever had him before took very good care of him and must have spent quite a bit of time with him for Charlie to be such a sweet bird.
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Awwwwwww, what a sweet heart. If I had went to that store, I'm afraid that bird would be coming home with me. :) I'm curious though as to how he wound up in the pet shop at 12 years old? Pet stores don't usually sell older birds like that. You can see that who ever had him before took very good care of him and must have spent quite a bit of time with him for Charlie to be such a sweet bird.

I know I know, but I couldn't just afford him there and then! He is a real sweetie, came running over to me from the other side of the cage today for some head scritches and like I said before it's non of this bluffing scritch invitation. It's "I genuinely want scritches, love me!"

Not sure how he ended up there, she breeds senegals herself, but will occassionally take on birds cheap and then resell them. I know he's not one of "hers", with the age and all. (Got a plucked scarlet that she's reselling as a breeder too) I'm hoping noone sees this little guy (he's in the backroom anyway) and he's still there in a month or two for me to steal because he's such a dream!

I'm hoping the 'high' price for such an old bird puts them off. I know he's a proven male bird, but hoping he's not proven to be successful so that won't entice more breeders :p

He's so sweet, I want him. :21:
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You know when your shopping and you see something you REALLY like, but never bought it....then regretted not buying it, and you keep thinking about it?.....wishing you had??

I think that has happened to all of us at one time or another.
yup it's hard to walk away when you really connect with something or someone, even an animal.

When we saw Safari in the cage, we knew there was a chance he would be ours. My daughter and I instantly fell head over heals in love, he was so super tame with anyone, but particularly loved my daughter and I, giving us kisses! well, that was it, I was sold.
I waiting until the next day, and all I thought about was him....hoping and praying no one would buy him, and trying to come up with over $600.00!!
I called the store the next day, and the manager was in the midst of selling Safari to someone else....Noooooo!!!. I left a deposit over the phone, and paid the balance the next day, and came home with Safari.

follow your heart if your wallet permits you to :)
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You know when your shopping and you see something you REALLY like, but never bought it....then regretted not buying it, and you keep thinking about it?.....wishing you had??

I think that has happened to all of us at one time or another.
yup it's hard to walk away when you really connect with something or someone, even an animal.

When we saw Safari in the cage, we knew there was a chance he would be ours. My daughter and I instantly fell head over heals in love, he was so super tame with anyone, but particularly loved my daughter and I, giving us kisses! well, that was it, I was sold.
I waiting until the next day, and all I thought about was him....hoping and praying no one would buy him, and trying to come up with over $600.00!!
I called the store the next day, and the manager was in the midst of selling Safari to someone else....Noooooo!!!. I left a deposit over the phone, and paid the balance the next day, and came home with Safari.

follow your heart if your wallet permits you to :)

It doesn't right now that's the thing! I'll definitely have to wait until next payday and that will be a stretch since Andrew wont support me financially for buying the bird. + I only earn a meger £410 a month, then deduct bills etc. I'm usually left with around £150? He's £175 alone so... have to have some from this month and next + cage etc.

He's going to have to wait. :( I'd love him to go to a loving and good home if not with me, but definitely not a breeder - unless he's also being a pet bird. I'm just besotted, he's right now, perfect. (I do know his flaws too by the way! But it's things we can overcome:))

Just have to hold out and see. Maybe I'll come in to some money. *fingers crossed*

Should probably add that I did the same as you did with Safari with my Merlin, except I didn't leave the store - only to grab money from the cash point down the road. I then begged them not to sell him whilst I was gone (2 minutes :p) It felt right, I'd wanted a sennie for ages and he stole my heart. Charlie is doing the same... :)
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Sorry Mayden, I'm a backwoods country boy from the US and got no idea what that equates to in dollars. But I don't think she's really pushing to sell him since she has him in the back room. So I think you have time. But just remember, just because they are both Senegals that Merlin will get along with him. Senegals Love to be the only bird in the room if not the whole house. So I would also weigh that issue as well before bringing him home.
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Sorry Mayden, I'm a backwoods country boy from the US and got no idea what that equates to in dollars. But I don't think she's really pushing to sell him since she has him in the back room. So I think you have time. But just remember, just because they are both Senegals that Merlin will get along with him. Senegals Love to be the only bird in the room if not the whole house. So I would also weigh that issue as well before bringing him home.

I have done, it's why we've never gotten a bird sooner. We aimed for another senegal and not a 'too etc, for size reasons. A too could kill Merlin pretty quickly if he wanted, whereas with a sennie we've got a better chance should a fight break out! Less loss of limbs and life!

Charlie is sweet natured, Merlin is not towards other birds. We're not expecting them to ever become cage buddies just hopefully accept each other as 'company' within the flock so Merlin is less lonely when we're away. Me and Andrew both agreed that if Merlin and Charlie were never to get on, then Charlie could be rehome - not something we'd like but Charlie would be easy to rehome as he's such a sweetie. Obviously this would be after a year long trial or something.

Andrew is also worried about Merlin not getting 'enough love' after getting a new bird. Had to explain that when you have a second child, you don't love your first any less! He's now completely on board for another bird (well, for getting Charlie at least) but won't fund getting him.

It's honestly not a waiting game regarding money and whether he gets rehomed in the meantime. Ho hum!
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Oh and money exchange is like this

£410 = $632
£175= $270

Oh and money exchange is like this

£410 = $632
£175= $270


hahahahahahahaha, thanks that puts it in a little better context for me. We can get a baby Senegal in my area (central Florida) for any where from $350-$450.00 depending on the breeder. So your prices aren't too far off.
I know what you mean about a Too killing Merlin. When we brought Mac the Eclectus into our home, he didn't like Tiki our Sennie at all and it has not improved either. We have to keep both of them seperated because Mac will try and beat Tiki to death with his beak. I have had to save her on more than one occassion from her head being crushed like a grape. Plus Tiki will get so jealous of mac that she doesn't even want to share the same room with him. If they are in the same room, she will lunge at whoever's hand is near her and bite to the bone.
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Oh and money exchange is like this

£410 = $632
£175= $270


hahahahahahahaha, thanks that puts it in a little better context for me. We can get a baby Senegal in my area (central Florida) for any where from $350-$450.00 depending on the breeder. So your prices aren't too far off.

Baby senegals go for between £225-£300 ($347-$462) so it's about right for an older bird.

I'm just hoping to win the lottery... :p

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