Charlie speaks.


New member
Dec 2, 2012
Congo African Grey - Beemo, Sun Conure - Charlie, Lovebird - Benny, Zsa Zsa - Cockatiel, Poot - Red Vented Bulbul
Hi yall,

Been MIA recently, MY BAD!!!! lol I just got busy with all these birds, new birds, hatching eggs, and finally started school. I am currently studying to be a vet tech. So excited!

But anywho, Charlie my sun conure has said his first words at 3.5 months of age. He is so darned cute! He says "kiss" then reaches over to give you a kiss. I thought he would've said his name first as thats the word I use the most but I guess it was kiss that stuck in his mind. Missed yall!
Welcome back! That's such a cute first thing to say, you're really lucky!

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