Charlie and Razz


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Meyers Parrot
Red Lory
Charlie is the Meyers, and Razz is the Red Lory. I'd post in the Lory section, but.... well, there ain't any. ;)

So, a little about my guy and gal.... Charlie is 11yrs old and came to me quite luckily. I used to work in a vet clinic back in the day and a woman came in with him basically saying that he was a neighbour's bird, but unfortunately after three days of having him, she passed away suddenly and there was no family to take the bird. At the time, Charlie was only 6 months old. Well, we took him in and within about a week of him being at the clinic, one afternoon, he decided to make a break for it... He managed to open his cage and climbed onto another bird's cage. Unfortunately for Charlie, this bird was not friendly, and ended up severing his toe. Long story story, we managed to reattach the digit and fitted him with cast and collar. From then on Charlie took a steady decline in health, he stopped eating, stopped drinking, stopped doing everything. He became extremely depressed, to the point where one morning I came in and found him on his back. I literally had to feed him everyday one piece of food at a time b/c he would not eat. Eventually he and I became best friends, but he was dead set on getting that cast off his leg. It got to the point that we couldn't turn around without him finding some sort to contort his body that he could reach the cast. After months of having the collar, cast and hand feeding this bird, we all got very frustrated on how we could get him to stop chewing on the cast. Anyways, seems like he was more determined than we were because one morning, not only did he manage to take his cast off, he also managed to amputate the rest of his toe. I'll never forget walking in that morning and seeing his cage just covered in blood, yet somehow he was not bothered and greeted me quite eagerly. All in all, we stitched up what was left of that digit, and didn't put the collar and cast on.... To this day... I don't even think he realizes that he's missing a toe, LoL. The best part though, was that after 6 months of nursing this guy and looking for a home for him, the clinic surprised me over Christmas and gave him to me. Can you say Best gift EVER!!!!!!

I know this is already a long post, but he goes..... Razz is also a rescue and she's 4 yrs old. Man, time flies! I rescued her from my uncles family as they wanted a new family bird and heard much about the antics that lories can be. To be honest, I was excited to when I found out... What they didn't anticipate was the fact that she is LOUD! Long story short, she got neglected for much of her childhood. One day at my uncles I asked how she was and he confessed about how much trouble they were having with her. I offered to take her off their hands and they said yes. Unfortunately for her, the damage has been done. She is quite neurotic and extremely territorial, and is a plucker. Which is a real shame. I've had her for 3 yrs now and she has made leaps and bounds, but her behaviour is something not to be desired. To be honest, I'm quite nervous around and I know she knows it.

The two of them do NOT get along as Charlie is a one person bird and Razz is well.... a very complicated and misunderstood bird.

I hope that this site can help me deal with her behaviour and issues in a way that can both benefit everyone. I've had birds my entire life, one of my first memories is of birds and I'm not afraid to try anything with them. Razz has been my first, "problem bird". I'm excited to hear what the forums hold and what experiences and advice everyone here has to offer.

See you on the boards....:)


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Very lovely stories! You are obviously a bird lover down to the core of your being.
Welcome to the forum!
Oh, and I loved the photos of your babies ... VERY pretty birds!
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I'll have to post a more recent picture of Razz. That photo was when she was all fresh and new at my uncles' place. Now, she chews on her tail, leg feathers and sparsely on her chest. After three years has she FINALLY let her wing feathers grow in. Yay!

Shame I dont' have a pic of her riding my uncle's Dane, she LOVED jumping on his back.... Poor dog didn't know what to make of her, LoL!
Welcome, thats a great story. Your birds are beautiful. There is a couple of active members w/lories. I'm sure they can help.

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