Change in droppings. Normal or not?


New member
Apr 21, 2015
"Peaches" G2
"Squeaker" YNA
"Crackers" B&G
I've had my new Mac a little over a month now. Previous owner fed him squirrel mix. He said he offered him fresh food everyday. When I got him I immediately went and bought him a bag of Sleek & Sassy garden blend. He doesn't care for it. Over the weeks I've tried Macaw blends from Avian Naturals and My Safe Bird Store. He did like one but basically ate the "junk" and left the healthy stuff. I bought a small bag of Harrison's pellets and it seems he really likes those. Yay! But I've noticed the last couple days that 1. The color of his droppings have gone from the normal green and white to a more pale green almost creamy color and 2. The urgency of his movements. He also seems to "spasm" for lack of a better word after he goes.
Has anyone noticed these changes after switching to Harrison's? He only gets an 1/8c daily along with Macaw blend from Avian Naturals. He likes out what he likes but always eats all of the Harrison's.
He loves all fresh food and eats good in that regard.

He also has a really bad habit of holding his poop until I get him out. During the day if I'm busy he will start screaming because he has to go potty and wants me to get him out. I know this can possibly lead to a prolapse. Any ideas on how to break him if this? My guess is he does it because he lives in the ground. Even while in his cage. He perched to sleep and eat and that's it.
I might be worried that his system has gotten a shock with the food change. Take a look at signs of over nutrition, as I've read an article or two that connected Harrison's pellets with that. I hope your Mac is okay!
Definitely get in touch with your AV. A change in dropping color with diet change is normal but typically they will change to a more brownish color with pellets...not green. Harrison's is a good product but the added vitamins are always a concern for me especially for a bird that has been on a pretty iffy diet for a while. I use it in moderation in my birdie breads and as more of a supplement than a diet staple because of it. Does he eat fresh food/veg with you? Good on you for getting Crackers on a healthier diet! Squirrel mix....that is absurd!!!
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Yes, he loves his fresh food. He gets a big bowl of fresh in the mornings then a snack at night. I only give him an 1/8c of the Harrison's so it's not much. I'll eliminate it for a few days and see if that makes a difference. Otherwise everything else is normal with him.

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