Chains from Home Depot...question?


New member
Jul 23, 2012
Barkley (4yo Eclectus)----
Pepper (7yo White-Capped Pionus)
I bought a chain to hang my bird's orbitor from, and didn't realize it was toxic. I bought the non-zinc one, but still don't think it's good for him. So I ordered some chains from MP's. However, the one he had was in there for a few weeks. He seems okay, no changes or anything. Am I just being paranoid he might have some kind of metal poisoning? He's hardly ever on it, except to sleep. I really feel guilty because I didn't know. I haven't noticed any changes in appetite, behavior, droppings, etc.
If it was the non zinc chain than why do you think it was bad for him?
I covered the chain hanging my orb with PVC pipe, protects it from chewing and keeps them away from the ceiling as well :)
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Thanks! It was Blu-Krome or something like that. I just didn't trust it and would rather err on the side of caution.
I covered the chain hanging my orb with PVC pipe, protects it from chewing and keeps them away from the ceiling as well :)

We did the same thing. Now MAC thinks it's fun to raise the PVC up just a and drop it to hear the "CLUNK"

We used stainless steel chain but the PVC does keep him from getting to the ceiling.

the store i bought cooper from had a HUUUGE hanging playgym. around 8foot long by 4 foot wide. all the chians going to the ceiling were covered with PVC. it seemed to work. some of their birds which they normaly put out to play and move around liked to lift the PVC and drop it. of course, since it was like an 8 foot piece of PVC at like and 1 1/2 inch, only the big birds could. lol

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