Cause of death - will the other be okay?


New member
Apr 12, 2019
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London UK
1 Cockateil
2 Parrotlets

Sadly I’ve just lost my female parrotlet. She was bleeding from the bottom moments before dropping from her perch.

I have googled symptoms of bleeding from the bottom and I’ve read it can be dehydration, but she has definitely been drinking water, another I’ve read is that they can be trying to lay an egg, which has gone wrong, which can kill them.

Will the male be okay? I’ve read that they can survive on their own, but have also read they can re-pair with another, or can bond better with humans after.

I want to make sure he still has a happy life, as he’s only 6 years old (she was too)

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I'm sorry for your loss. Very traumatic..
I'm not sure we would be able to know what happens....
Egg binding is a real possibility... But it's hard to know for sure...
It would be a good idea to check out the remaining birds with a certified avain vet, get a gram stain
Just so sorry for you
I’m afraid the only way to be sure of the cause of death is to have your vet perform a necropsy. If you keep the bird’s body in the fridge (not the freezer) you’d have about a three day window to get it done, although you may not wish to go down that route. It could well have been a reproductive issue but I’m not a professional so there’s no way to be sure. It’s still worth having your remaining bird checked out anyway.

I’m sorry for your loss :smile016:

It’s upsetting of course, and I will miss her lots, but my main goal now is making sure he’s happy and healthy.

How much will it cost to get him checked out? He seems to be fine, eating, drinking (out of conpletely new bowls and food) chirping and flying around, and still interacting with us humans and just being himself.

Also, would it be a good idea to introduce him to a potential mate? If so, when?

I am so sorry for your loss.

LaManuka is correct, the only way to be sure is by having your vet perform a necropsy. I would definitely do it, especially b/c you have another bird at home. You want to make sure it wasn't anything contagious and or life threatening.

I’ve just googled the prices for a necropsy and a checkup for him, but they all seem to be expensive and I wouldn’t be able to afford it (I’m a Teen)

Is there any other option?

The cage was cleaned and food and water bowls changed, to try and help protect him as mucb as possible.

Sorry to learn of your hens passing. It is so very hard to give a diagnosis by verbal description, or even with pictures, since none of us are certified avian vets. Best guess is egg bound, but that is just a guess. If your not going to have a necropy exam done, have a thorough checkup on your male done, letting the vet know why your having himcheckedand how the female died.

Pricing for vet exams can very quite a bit, good news is that London likely has several avain specialists, so you can shop around a bit. Try to get arecommendation from the local parrot clubs and the vet should not be just a catand dog vet,who also sees birds.

Again sorry foryour loss,and we hope your little guy is around for a long time to come.

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