Cappie has finally arrived...a few questions?


New member
Apr 11, 2012
So I finally brought home Cappie (easier to say than Captain) last thursday. He is a little more than 2 months old, and came with a heavy seed and low pellet mix...prolly 80-20. If I have his attention and he is in the mood he will step-up on command 70ish% of the time.

So my questions?

When should I start shifting the diet to Pellets?

Should I just continue the step-up command until it is stronger, or should I continue with the step-up command and add a trick or something else?

Any ideas, tips, info torward my next move would be great!
Congrats! :)

I would start changing food right away, about a 10% change towards pellets a day. Keep with your step ups without tricks, it will confuse him. Just be sure to give elaborate praise whenever he does it successfully, and turn your attention away from him when he doesn't.
Here is something you can add that wont confuse him step-back comand have him step-up then while he is on your finger put just his tail over the perch and say step-back . I make this an all in two motions routine and for reinforcement I do this I do step-up when the bird complies I praise him and give a kiss (ok if not comfortable with a kiss you can skip that) then bring my hand back towards the perch placing his tail over the perch and say Step-back. Soon your bird will be putting a foot back searching for the place to step off to without looking. good luck.

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