Can my Quaker Has Liver Disease be revearsed?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
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New York
I Sun Conure who hatched March 23. 2004. I adopted her on May 8, 2005
I had a Quaker Parrot named Nikki who lived for 19 years
I grew up with Budgerigars named Screech, Zoar and Blue Baby
My Quaker was diagnosed with liver fesses after an ultrasound on March 10th. She www given an antibiotic to treat possible helictites and milk thistle. She is still taken the milk thistle twice daily.

Re had her levels checked April 11th and there is not much change in his levels. I guess the milk thistle is helping? She takes it ij liquid form.

I have improving her diet, too. I www really hoping her bike acid levels would go down.

Is there anything else I can do to help improve liver function?
Hopefully someone who has been through this will chime in, but I just want to give you hugs. You and your Quaker have been through so much in the past year!

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