Can Macaws and African Greys have grapes?


New member
Jul 30, 2015
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Ruby- 5 y.o. CAG;
Pharaoh, Emmy, and Sky-Quakers of unknown age;
Maui- 8 m.o. Catalina macaw
I have seen places that say they can and places that say they cannot. Then some places say they can eat them and the seeds and some that say they can eat the grape but not the seeds. So I am wondering what is correct.
I have fed Willow grapes pretty regularly, she loves them.
Mine have been eating them every day for pretty much their entire lives.
They get 4-5 grapes a day.
Zilla loves her grapes, she has been getting at least 1 a day for almost a year now.
Not sure about the seeds, but there shouldn't be a problem with seedless. Aside from the fact they have little nutritional value, grapes are just fine. My ekkies eat them pretty regularly.
Not sure about the seeds, but there shouldn't be a problem with seedless. Aside from the fact they have little nutritional value, grapes are just fine. My ekkies eat them pretty regularly.

People still buy grapes with seeds in them?! :D I forgot.

I was assuming seedless. And yeah, grapes are pretty much just sugar, but the moisture content in them is good. They don't just get their hydration from drinking water. They get it from fruits.
I feed seedless grapes to all my birds. It's their favorite. :)
My macaw gets grapes almost daily. They are especially great for outings to help keep her hydrated!
Mine eat grapes, seedless though. They like to eat the middles and leave the sins.

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