Can it be made Parrot safe?


New member
May 4, 2011
Orange Wing Amazon
I just started volunteering at the Humane Society today. They have a rustic style coat rack / parrot stand for sale in the lobby. It's regular wood with some sort of shellack on it. I know it's not parrot safe but is there something I could do to it to make it parrot safe? It's pretty cool & there's lots of ways to modify it with toys, etc./ Thanks
IMO the short answer is no. I buy old floor lamps from the yard sales and replace the lamp with a safe perch. (look for the ones with a heavy base)
henpecked, could you post pictures of what you do to the lamps?

I love my playtable, but reality is only 1 bird plays there at a time & it takes up a LOT of real estate in the living room . . . and i know a rescue that would love it.

Several 1-bird lamps might be the ticket.
This is one in my office, it's laid out so that a trash bag fits under it. That's a Pistachio branch from Az, but i use all kinds.Drill 1" hole in branch and split up one side, use SS hose clamps to clamp it to stand. PS "Jake" was kind of PO'd about that bright light thing.

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