I have a young Conure and two Quakers, all of whom get along fine but I'm getting another Conure in a couple of months, as I've always had four or five birds. I've added a link to the cage the Conure is currently in, which is a good size. The thing is, I'm hoping the new Conure will be okay with the one I have, and can live together once settled. I'm certain the cage in the link is fine for two birds of this size, but it would be nice to get something bigger. The only issue is, the bigger the cage, the bigger the bar spacing. Does anyone have any links to cages bigger than the one in the link with a bar space safe for conures? It's a GCC I currently have and will be getting either yellow-sided or pineapple. As I work from home, my birds are out all day long, so the only time they go in their cage is to eat, drink, and sleep.

Liberta Flight Bird Cage
Liberta Flight Bird Cage - This cage is designed to house Budgies, Finches, & Small Parrots, features four wooden perches, and two 21cm bowls.