Now that I've been living with Rascal for a bit now I'm growing concerned about his cage and its size. I did some digging and found a link to the same cage for sale on a website (<this is the link)
From what I've been told he has been living in this cage for about 3 years. Just from looking the cage over I can tell he has picked off bits of the paint all over but mostly on the bars. This makes me supper nervous that he may eat some of it and end up poisoned. on top of that I feel its small he looks cramped in there with his toys all hanging around him.
If you dont mind are there any cages you recommend? he is pretty much cage bound and doesn't like to leave it for more than maybe 2hrs a day tops. so preferably on the larger end for toos.
(EDIT) I forgot to include the fact that yesterday while i was at work he opened one of his cage doors thankfully he stayed inside.
on top of that
The curve this cage has makes it hard for me to find perches that look like they would fit nicely. so if his cage really is an appropriate size then I'm stuck on finding good perches currently he only has a swing to sit on and I want to change that. I really want to find something so he doesn't need to rely on the walls to move around but I cant find a perch other than those lil rope ones (wich he will eat) so I'm kind of stuck I'm not sure what to get or where.
feel free to recomend cages or perches via amazon link or similar.
reminder he is a rescue, I didn't buy this cage for him.
thank you!!
Now that I've been living with Rascal for a bit now I'm growing concerned about his cage and its size. I did some digging and found a link to the same cage for sale on a website (<this is the link)
From what I've been told he has been living in this cage for about 3 years. Just from looking the cage over I can tell he has picked off bits of the paint all over but mostly on the bars. This makes me supper nervous that he may eat some of it and end up poisoned. on top of that I feel its small he looks cramped in there with his toys all hanging around him.
If you dont mind are there any cages you recommend? he is pretty much cage bound and doesn't like to leave it for more than maybe 2hrs a day tops. so preferably on the larger end for toos.
(EDIT) I forgot to include the fact that yesterday while i was at work he opened one of his cage doors thankfully he stayed inside.
on top of that
The curve this cage has makes it hard for me to find perches that look like they would fit nicely. so if his cage really is an appropriate size then I'm stuck on finding good perches currently he only has a swing to sit on and I want to change that. I really want to find something so he doesn't need to rely on the walls to move around but I cant find a perch other than those lil rope ones (wich he will eat) so I'm kind of stuck I'm not sure what to get or where.
feel free to recomend cages or perches via amazon link or similar.
reminder he is a rescue, I didn't buy this cage for him.
thank you!!
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