Cage items


New member
Jun 19, 2017
Hello guys, question, can there be too many items in my Claire's cage? I bought him some cool new items, but not sure if too many items in his cage would stress him out, or if he will like them. I get him a ladder, swing, cuddle sack, bath, and a treat holder. Let me know what you think. Don't want to stress him out obviously, but wanna give him fun stuff to play with.

I put pics in the album of the cage with the new items in it.

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I'll start off by saying that I am a new parront, so take my advice with a grain of salt. In answer to your question, "can there be too many items?", indeed there can. You want your bird to be able to move freely throughout the cage without hitting obstacles ie tail feathers getting stuck on things and your bird should be able to flap their wings without significant obstructions around them. A word of caution, beware the "happy huts" if your bird is a chewer. The fibers from the hut can cause significant impactions in a bird's digestive system due to the material the hut is made out of. I believe its a plastic fiber blend. Also, please, look into getting some natural wood perches instead of the dowels you currently have in place. The odd shapes and different sizes of the branch are helpful for the bird's feet. Plus, it makes your cage look much better and more natural in my opinion.

When introducing a new toy and are unsure how your parrot will feel about it, hook it to the outside of the cage at a lower position than your bird usually sits. Leave it for a few days, this allows the bird to see that it will not hurt them and allows them to pick at it at their own leisure. Once you notice they are showing interest in the toy, feel free to put it inside the cage. I normally clip it at the same height it was at when it was outside the cage as to not stress out my girl by hanging it above her head right away. Once she's comfortable with it inside the cage, I would hang it from the ceiling. All in all, its a slow steady introduction to anything new that might be placed in her cage.
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I'll start off by saying that I am a new parront, so take my advice with a grain of salt. In answer to your question, "can there be too many items?", indeed there can. You want your bird to be able to move freely throughout the cage without hitting obstacles ie tail feathers getting stuck on things and your bird should be able to flap their wings without significant obstructions around them. A word of caution, beware the "happy huts" if your bird is a chewer. The fibers from the hut can cause significant impactions in a bird's digestive system due to the material the hut is made out of. I believe its a plastic fiber blend. Also, please, look into getting some natural wood perches instead of the dowels you currently have in place. The odd shapes and different sizes of the branch are helpful for the bird's feet. Plus, it makes your cage look much better and more natural in my opinion.

Everything I was going to say! For the perches, in your area, a safe maple tree can donate a branch or two! Go ahead and leave the bark on.

FYI, your setup doesn't look over crowded to me at all!
2 factors to consider here. First is your bird. Is he afraid of new things? If so, putting a bunch of new stuff could be stressful. If he's anything like my bird, who is fearless and loves new things, a good shakeup every so often is like setting up an amusement park in the cage and he can't wait to explore everything. Really boils down to if you have a shy or bold bird in regards to change and new things.

Second thing is size of the cage and objects. You don't want so much in the cage it restricts your birds ability to move around. Use common sense and you'll be fine:)

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