New member
Hey everyone, I'm kind of struggling with my bird as he's kinda aggressive when in his cage. He won't let me change his water and food without hissing and threatening to bite, and touching him/trying to make him step up when inside his cage is a big no no, he won't let me do that but bite me instead (it's not a painful bite tho, more like if he was trying to say "don't do it"). I find it kinda strange as his behavior is literally the oposite of this when he's outside - he lets me pet him, give him head scritches, and just loves it when he can sit on my shoulder. I mean, he's very social and playful outside his cage, but incredibly defensive when inside. So my question is: what's the reason behing this kind of behavior? Could it be just because he's young (5 months old)?
Scritch video
Scritch video