Hi everyone! I'm going to be posting this in the different Species sections, just in case someone can "help" me who isn't going to visit every single one. I'm in the market to add a new feathered child to my home. I currently only have one other bird, a 7 & 1/2 month old Sun Conure, who is a riot. I'm going to be getting a larger bird. I have been researching the CAG and Eclectus extensively, The Amazon has recently gotten added to the mix after discussing some things with a amazon breeder and meeting some of the comical species, I have not done much research with that particular species yet, but I'm torn! I first off fell in love with the beautiful Eclectus. How can you not? They are some of the most gorgeous parrots I have ever seen. One of the doctors who used to work at the hospital had a beautiful male eclectus named Elvis who a character to say the least but he was a avid plucker :/ I'm also drawn to the African Grey, specifically the Congo, They are beautiful with their "coats of armor" and crimson tails. The intelligence on them is just astonishing! Last but not least is the Gorgeous Amazon, I would like to know anything anyone is willing to tell me or help me with. I think in the Amazon species I would prefer a blue fronted, yellow naped, or Double Yellow Headed. Anything is appreciated, just looking for some wonderful opinions!