Buying a companion for a Alexandrine.


New member
Apr 15, 2013
Melbourne, Australia.
Male Alexandrine Parrot named Ollie
So im thinking of buying a companion for my pet bird Ollie, dont get me wrong he's completly happy and entertained however i think he would really enjoy the company of another bird.

My mother has a passion for birds aswell and loves ollie very much, her birthday is coming up and i thought i would buy her a bird that would live with ollie.

Just wondering what kind of birds are suited for a male Alexandrine parrot.
She wants a smallish bird, i was thinking of a conure or a cockatiel.

Anyones thoughts??:green2:
Ollie is the name of my sisters bird :)
I think if your getting a small parrot like conure, cockatiel, etc you shouldn't have them in the same cage, unless you have a cage divider. Just because an alexandrine would be so much big
I would only recommend another alex as you don't know if two separate species, especially two from such different continents will get along. *Maybe* an indian ringneck instead? Although, there are other Psittacula (ringneck) species also available, I don't know how common or price on them would be in Australia.

Regardless of species, the 2nd bird would need a cage of its own and to be quarantined away from Ollie.

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