Budgies not getting along?


New member
Jun 3, 2015
I've had these two girls for about a month now and they were inseparable. If one went to another perch the other followed. I got them to eat millet out of my hand once and since then they went back to scrambling away from me. For the last three days or so they have been screaming, flapping wings and going after each other. I haven't seen any bites but it sounds horrible. When we eat dinner at night they are both calm and go to their food dish and eat together quietly so i don't know what's happening.. Should I be worried?
help please!!
Bird friends of any species will squabble from time to time, and budgies are definitely no exception. The fact that they're still able to sit together and use the same food dish, leads me to believe that they are still friends, but are now starting to become territorial.

Remind me how big the cage is for the 2 girls? Do they have anything in there that looks like a potential nesting spot? Anything to hide in or behind, or dish shaped? Regardless, they could be trying to establish territory (thinking that a male is going to show up any day LOL). If they were really breeding then the fights can become much more serious, but 2 pets in a cage, I wouldn't worry unless you really see feathers flying. But if they keep doing it too often, that can be stressful at any rate, and you'll have to think about either getting a larger flight for them or separating them and live side by side.
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Attached is a picture of the cage. They were fighting like 15 min ago and now they're both sleeping.. Scratch that they're screaming again. I wish I could give them some out of the cage time so they can have some alone time but they flip out of I go near them and if I leave the door open they stay in the opposite corner. Grr stop fighting me birds! I'm nice I swear lol


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That looks like a nice sized flight cage. They'll scream regardless lol, budgies are just screamers. Watch them, I think they'll be fine if you don't see "serious" fighting, or bullying where one can't get to food or is constantly being pushed off the branch which can cause stress.
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Okay thanks!! I had three food dishes and two water bowls already. Think I need to add more stuff?
Okay thanks!! I had three food dishes and two water bowls already. Think I need to add more stuff?

It won't hurt to add more, but if there's already several and they seem to share them, I wouldn't think it's necessary. Keep us posted on how they get along.
In my experience, my budgies used to always be like this. They were female, so I guess they were more territorial than my male budgies. As for getting them out of the cage, try taking out the food bowls and leaving millet clipped onto the door opening. It might lure them out :)

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