Budgies at Petsmart


New member
Nov 12, 2013
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White Face Cinnamon Pearl Pied Cockatiel - "Muffin"

Hatch Date: October 4th, 2013
RIP July 4, 2014
I was at Petsmart yesterday looking for toys and perches for my new cockatiel, and they had several beautiful Budgies. I know people say not to buy a Budgie from a pet store, but they were in a beautiful huge glass walled cage (barred in the back for employee access), very clean, uncrowded and they all looked quite happy preening and doing their little Budgie things. They were beautifully colored, and to be honest, I diddn't see any as brightly colored at the pet shows from breeders.

So are Budgies from Petsmart in such a situation a smart purchase? We're thinking of getting a Budgie one of these days, so I thought I'd ask. The people there really seemed to be older (not teenagers), and very caring about animals. The lady who took care of the birds was very nice.
Anytime you buy a bird from one of these chain stores you take a risk. You also don't want to promote bird mills by buying from them. However, sometimes you fall in love with one (like Crimson who can't help rescuing! :)) and you buy one. In that case, I would suggest you house the new bird at a family member or friend for a little while to quarantine him and do the necessary disease tests BEFORE bringing him home. In that case you are not putting your Cockatiel at risk.
We are fortunate here where I live as our local Petsmart only buys from local breeders (who I know) so their birds are in good shape and not from a mill. I would agree with the quarantine as usual, tho, no matter where you get your bird from:)
I used to work at Petsmart and I would not recommend buying a budgie from the store. The poor budgies are delivered to the store in a box with mesh holes, they are terrified and sometimes I injur themselves in the cramped space.

Nearly all Petsmart animals come from mills, buying from the store is only supporting that terrible business. Only living creature I buy from chain let stores are fish
Ah, thank you everyone, I was aware of puppy mills, but not so much pet stores and bird mills. Good information.

They did have a sweet adorable black caped conure, and they told me he had already been to a vet, so at least this particular store seems to take better care of their animals once they do get them.
We bought Quigley from a petco, but that was a couple years ago before I knew much about birds and bird mills. I won't ever buy an animal from a large chain store ever again.

I recommend finding a local breeder who breeds their budgies properly and takes care of them. Regardless of what bird you bring home, please take them to a certified avian vet as soon as you can for a checkup. Ruling out illnesses is a high priority. And if you have other birds already, please keep your new birdy in quarantine for at least 30 days.

Or, instead of buying a "new" budgie, maybe look into adopting one in need of a new home. Also, I would look into get a pair...single budgies will get lonely if they don't get a lot of interaction with you.

Good luck! :)
We bought Quigley from a petco, but that was a couple years ago before I knew much about birds and bird mills. I won't ever buy an animal from a large chain store ever again.

I recommend finding a local breeder who breeds their budgies properly and takes care of them. Regardless of what bird you bring home, please take them to a certified avian vet as soon as you can for a checkup. Ruling out illnesses is a high priority. And if you have other birds already, please keep your new birdy in quarantine for at least 30 days.

Or, instead of buying a "new" budgie, maybe look into adopting one in need of a new home. Also, I would look into get a pair...single budgies will get lonely if they don't get a lot of interaction with you.

Good luck! :)

Well since I just got a beautiful little bird, it will be a long while before I get another. I was just looking. My little "Muffin" is keeping me quite happy at the moment.

I did originally want a Budgie, but my new Cockatiel was an impulse purchase at a bird show. My vet does all the panels for the major diseases in birds, and if I were to purchase another bird, I would have that done as well as the quarantine.
I don't know, I bought Mango from Petco. And he died a half a year later from most likely genetics. He looked great, not sic at all! but sometimes it's hard to resist! I totally understand! They are so cute and playful and hey maybe you get lucky and get the one that is as healthy as a horse!
Ugh that is such a problem for me, part of me says buy that bird to save it and get it out of there (after all it's not the BIRD's fault), the other side says don't because of bird mills - and I really don't know how to reconcile the conflict. There is also something inside me that always goes for the under'bird', the smaller, the one that looks like it needs help, etc., which is the opposite of the type of bird I really would want.
We are fortunate here where I live as our local Petsmart only buys from local breeders (who I know) so their birds are in good shape and not from a mill. I would agree with the quarantine as usual, tho, no matter where you get your bird from:)

I know for a fact Terry is correct. Most if not all of the Pet Smarts in Canada purchase their birds from local registered breeders. if one of their birds should become ill, they see a local avian vet(which I see, and know very well)he also does house calls and comes into the store.

Our Pet Smart in Newmarket gets most of their birds from a very reputable long time breeder in southern Ontario.

I have purchased many birds from Pet Smart(for one reason or another) and they all have been fine, no ill birds, and all treated very well, including offering bath water daily, fresh vegetables, and vitamins in their water.

Honestly no matter where you purchase a bird from, whether it's from a local breeder, kijiji, craigs list etc....you ALWAYS run the risk.

I say go buy the bird, and enjoy it.
I bought Kiwi from PetSmart, and she's great. Checked out fine at the vet, already taught some obedience tricks (step-up, and no poo-ing on humans). Everyone wants to do the right thing, and it's hard to please everyone. My two cents would be to make an assessment of the place and do what feels right to you.
5 years ago I purchased a white Parakeet from Petsmart to replace one who died and left a lonely mate behind. After quarantine, she was placed with the lonely fellow and they've been together ever since. While she's never had any health problems she is a neurotic freak who has no desire to associate with anyone or thing including her parakeet buddy. She's in a state of panic the moment you enter the room so I made a hidey-hole for her to feel secure in. Her mate, who was flew up to me while loading hay one day several years ago, has never been tame but he is a much calmer bird. He is not prone to panic attacks and will interact with me through the bars of cage. He's an incredible mimic of body language, and has learned the 'Amazon prowl' since the arrival of the big girls. He even learned to mimic a cockatiel I had who suffered a stroke and had strange head movements.

So, my point to the ramble, is that most birds who are bred for mass production will have psychological problems. Just like puppy mill pups, these birds may be total mind freaks, and difficult to tame.
I don't think you should hesitate to buy a budgie from Petsmart as long as it looks healthy. Their set up for budgies always looks pretty good to me, since its generally a temporary setting for the birds. I'm not sure that "bird mills" exist, other than as urban legends, and I get the sense that breeders will sell directly as well as selling their stock through pet stores. It would be interesting to hear if someone has actually identified a bird mill.
Again, I wish you all could see the setup they have there at PetSmart. The birds look happy, uncrowded, with lots of toys and a huge clean natural wood mini tree they're all on. I should take a pic and upload. I should ask where they get their birds from. One of the pet store employees owns several rescue birds herself. It's a very nice, clean store. I've been to Petco's and other pet stores, and the conditions are deplorable for their animals, but not here. I was pleasantly surprised.

The birds looks happy, brightly colored and fine feathered, nice weight on them, and adorable. On their site, they have many five star reviews for their budgies.
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I think Petsmart is definitely better than Petco.
clearly there seems to be a difference between Pet Smart in CANADA, and the U.S.
This thread makes me want to ask my local shop where their budgies (and other birds) come from. The conures and cockatiel are labeled as hand-fed, but I don't know if 'bird mills' hand feed or not? The birds usually seem really healthy, except occasionally a budgie looks slightly 'off.' I was just in today visiting the birdies and they had a new batch of baby budgies in. Sooo cute! They were really young, still had their darkish beaks.

Regarding Petsmart, the one closest to me has REALLY small enclosures for their budgies. Hope they sell fast! The Petco I used to live near had a nice big enclosure. Maybe there is just alot of variation between individual stores within the chains?
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clearly there seems to be a difference between Pet Smart in CANADA, and the U.S.

Yes!! I think you're right because I don't like going in to our petco/petsmart stores because of how they keep their animals... Not to mention not having knowledgable employees. Talk about mind blowing when you have to tell their employees what an amazon is!!! Hmph!!
Well, I'm in the U.S..

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