Budgie training help


New member
Mar 3, 2024
My bird is pretty comfortable with stepping on my finger for now and I've been letting him outside of his cage lately even though he isnt really a fan of it. Can someone help me and give soms tips on how to continue with training?
Hi, I'm not an expert by any means but I have found that millet is great for getting them to fly to you. I started off close to him, offer the millet then every time he comes over he gets a bit. Then he gets put back on his perch and I move further away and call him again. After a day or so he went from being a little bit wary of us to flying over and landing on our arm/shoulder/head even when we hadn't called him!
Also, I have always found this site's search engine good... maybe look for "budgie training" or "advanced budgie training"...
You have a great attitude. I'm glad you're here.

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